编辑: 笔墨随风 2019-07-04

s Corporate Communications which we have sent to our Shareholders in the past

12 months are available from the Company on request. They are also available on the Company'

s website (www.petrochina.com.cn) for five years from the date of first publication. 本公司备有於过去

12 个月曾寄发予股东的公司通讯文件的中、英文版印刷本.该等通讯文件亦由首次登载日期起计,持续

5 年载於本公司网站(www.petrochina.com.cn)上. ?- 邮寄标签 MAILING LABEL 阁下 寄 回此 更 改指 示 回条 时 ,请 将 邮寄 标 签剪 贴 於信 封上. 如在本港投寄 毋须贴上 邮票. Please cut the mailing label and stick this on the envelop e to return this Change Request Form to us. No postage stamp necessary if posted in Hong Kong. 香港中央证券登记有限公司 Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited 简便回邮号码 Freepost No.

37 香港 Hong Kong ?

19092018 1 0 ........
