编辑: 笔墨随风 2015-06-24


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92 日期 2017.09.08 This Technical Circular is provided only for the purpose of supplying current information to its readers. CR Classification Society, its officers, employees and agents or sub-contractors do not warrant the accuracy of the information contained herein and are not liable for any loss, damage or expense sustained whatsoever by any person caused by use of or reliance on this information. 本期摘要: 壹、 MSC第98次会议决议案 ? MSC.421(98)决议案: 修正国际海上人命安全公约 ? MSC.422(98)决议案: 修正国际船舶使用气体或其他低闪点燃料安全章程 ? MSC.423(98)及MSC.424(98)决议案:修正1994年及2000年国际高速船安全章程 ? MSC.425(98)决议案: 修正国际救生装置章程 ? MSC.426(98)决议案: 修正国际海事固体散装货物章程 ? MSC.427(98)决议案: Amendments to Resolution MSC.81(70), as Amended ? MSC.428(98)决议案: Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems ? MSC.429(98)决议案: Revised Explanatory Notes to the SOLAS Chapter II-1 Subdivision and Damage Stability Regulations ? MSC.430(98)决议案: Amendments to the Resolution MSC.148(77) ? MSC.431(98)决议案: Amendments to the Resolution MSC.306(87) ? MSC.432(98)决议案: Amendments to the Resolution MSC.401(95) ? MSC.433(98)决议案: Guidelines and Criteria for Ship Reporting Systems ? MSC.434(98)决议案: Performance Standards for a Ship Earth Station for Use in the GMDSS ? MSC.435(98)决议案:修正2009年海上移动式钻探装置构造及设备章程 贰、 IMO相关通告 ? STCW.7/Circ.24/Rev.1: Guidance for Parties, Administrations, Port State Control Authorities, Recognized Organizations and Other Relevant Parties on the Requirements of the STCW Convention, 1978, as Amended ? MSC.1/Circ.1576: Unified Interpretation of the Provisions of SOLAS Relating to the Annual Testing of the VDR, S-VDR, AIS and EPIRB ? MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3: Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management 参、 中华民国重要通告 ? 订定「国际压舱水管理证书」,自中华民国106年9月8日生效. 肆、 巴拿马重要通告 ? MMC-258: Approved Service Providers for Lifeboats, Launching Appliances and On-load Release Gear ? MMC-345: Ballast Water Management Convention 2004, Panama Policy CR Classification Society 2/9 Technical Circular No.

92 壹MSC第98次会议决议案 国际海事组织(IMO)海事安全委员会(MSC)第98 次会议於

2017 年6月7日至6月16 日在英国伦敦召开.决议案内容如下:

一、 MSC.421(98)决议案:修正国际海上人命安全公约(SOLAS),预计2020年1月1日生 效.除另有规定外,适用於2020年1月1日以后签约之新造船:

(一) 修正II-1章: 1. 规则5:倾斜试验时应确定空船重心纵向、横向、垂向位置. 2. 规则5-1:极限稳度曲线应覆盖所有营运吃水及纵倾围. 3. 规则6:提高关客船R值(Required subdivision index R for passenger ships) 要求.另因新的R值只取决於船上总人数,故删除N1跟N2定义. 4. 规则7.3: (1) 中间浸水阶段和最终平衡阶段计算所用的排水量应采用完整载况的排水量. (2) 计算Righting lever (GZ)时,船舶应为 「自由纵倾 (Freely Trimming) 」 状态. 5. 规则7-2: (1) 修订Si公式:驶上驶下客船应考虑舱壁甲板积水效应. (2) 要求设置横贯浸水装置的货船计算中间浸水阶段的稳度. 6. 规则9: (1) 现行条文规定:双重底内的小井(Small Well)高度不管在任何情况下皆不小 於500 mm(小井底至龙骨线高度须不小於500 mm). (2) 本次修正结果:部分小井(e.g. Lubricating Oil under Main Engines),若满足 相关保护及位置要求,主管机关得放宽该规定. 7. 规则12: (1) 要求计算Collision Bulkhead之前任一舱室破损的稳度. (2) 允许货船於Collision Bulkhead内使用蝶阀(Butterfly Valve). 注:本项修正内容,依MSC.1/Circ.1567通告,会员国可提前实施. 8. 规则16: ? MMC-351: New Seal in the Seaman'
