编辑: 人间点评 2018-11-05
南京林业大学 本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:基于小学生行为方式研究的课桌椅设计 学院:家具与工业设计学院 专业:工业设计(家具设计) 学号:

080404213 学生姓名: 刘丹丹 指导教师: 李军职称: 教授二O一二 年五月十六 日 基于小学生行为方式研究的课桌椅设计 摘要 如今,社会竞争日益激烈,人们对教育的重视程度越来越高,学生的压力也越来越大,包括小学生.

小学生的学习生活与课桌椅息息相关,而不合理的课桌椅设计会给小学生的身体健康带来不利的影响.因而,课桌椅设计具有重要的意义. 本文通过问卷调查、搜集资料、实地调研、观看电视影片等形式对小学生课桌椅以及小学生行为方式做了调研和学习,得到的结论如下: 通过对现有小学生课桌椅市场的整体情况以及南京小学生课桌椅的装备情况的调研,总结了现有课桌椅所存在的缺陷. 通过阅读相关书籍掌握了与课桌椅设计相关的知识,特别是课桌椅设计的要素和原则. 通过调研,了解了小学生在上课和下课期间与课桌椅相关的行为方式,例如:不合理坐姿,并总结了这些不良行为方式给小学生以及课桌椅带来的危害. 最后,将小学生的行为方式研究结果与课桌椅设计要素相结合,对小学生课桌椅的尺寸、结构、材料、颜色、功能等进行选择和设计,力求设计出更符合人体工程学的,更方便小学生使用的课桌椅. 关键词:小学生、课桌椅设计、行为方式 The Design Of Desks And Chairs Based On The Research Of The Pupils'

Behaviors Abstract Nowadays,with the social competition becoming more and more intense,people pay more attention on students'

education,and the pressure on students is bigger and bigger,including pupils.The pupils'

studying is closely related to desks and chairs,and unreasonable design of desks and chairs will do harm to the pupils'

health.So,the design of desks and chairs is very important and meaningful. In this article,I have a comprehensive understanding of pupils'

desks and chairs and pupils'

behaviors through questionnaire investigation, data collection,field research and watching films,the conclusions are as follows: I surveyed on the market situation of the pupils'

desks and chairs and the equipment situation in Nanjing,summing up the defects of the desks and chairs existing. I have mastered the knowledge about the design of desks and chairs through reading books concerned,especially the factors and principles of the design of desks and chairs. Through investigation, I have learned the behaviors of the pupils associated with the desks and chairs,for example,unreasonable posture,then we have summed up the harm to pupils and the desks and chairs that the bad behaviors bring. At last,I combine the research results of the pupils'

behavors with the design elements of the desks and chairs,then choosing and designing the size,structure,material,colour and function of the desks and chairs,and trying my best to design one set of desk and chair which is more consistent with ergonomics and more convenient to pupils'

using. Key words: pupils, the design of desks and chairs ,behaviors. 目录

第一章 绪论

1 1.1研究背景

1 1.2国内外研究现状

1 1.3研究目的与意义

2 1.4研究内容

2 1.5研究方法

2 1.6特色与创新


第二章 小学生课桌椅调研

3 2.1现有小学生课桌椅市场整体情况及发展
