编辑: 星野哀 2015-09-24
第十六章 Translation of Long Sentences 长句翻译 课堂互动1.

用顺译法翻译下列句子课堂互动2. 用逆译法翻译下列句子课堂互动3. 用分译法翻译下列句子课堂互动4.用变序译法翻译列句子 第十六章重点 16.1 英语长句的特点 16.2 英语长句的翻译方法 16.3 长句翻译赏析 第十六章综合练习及参考译文 16.1.1 结构错综复杂 16.1.2 并列复合穿插16.1.3 语序变化难辨16.1.4 同位插入省略混杂 16.2.

1 顺译法 16.2.

2 逆译法 16.2.

3 分译法 16.2.

4 变序译法 短文翻译 第十六章 长句翻译 --end 英语长句一般都是形体长、词数多、结构复杂的句子.主要因修饰成分多、并列成分多或结构层次多而形成.其中既有并列句,又有复合句,也有简单句.当然,长句中并列句和复合句比例最大,简单句相对要少一些. 第十六章长句翻译Translation of Long Sentences 英语长句多用于书面语体,如政论、科技语体. 英语长句常常是一个主句带有若干个从句,从句中又夹着短语,短语又帮衬着从句,从句套从句,短语接短语,一步接一步、一环扣一环,互相交叉、互相依附、互相制约、互相解释、互相说明、互相渗透,使句子显得十分冗长. 像这种英语长句,翻译时,可考虑采用层次翻译法,首先对原文进行意义分析、切块拆分,按照汉语习惯做文字增删、结构调整,根据逻辑关系重组语言,合理转换语码. 小节结束 英语长句句子结构错综复杂,盘根错节,脉络难找.简单句、并列句、复合句综横交错,从句套从句,短语套短语,真是词中有词、词中有句、句中有词、句中有句. 16.1.1 结构错综复杂 16.

1 英语长句的特点 (Features of Long Sentences) 例1:It was originally surmised that different bodies fell to the ground at rates proportional to their respective weights, but, towards the end sixteenth century, Galileo contended that the rate of fall was the same for all bodies―provided gravity were the only force acting―and he attributed the slower rate of fall observed on the case of a light body to the resistance of the air, which exerted a relatively greater effect on a light body than on a heavy body of the same size and shape. It was… but, Galileo contended… and he attributed…the air that that…was…which…greater…主语从句)宾语从句)定语从句)provided…(虚拟条件状语从句) ? 【译文】原先人们曾猜测,不同的物体落到地面上的速度是与各自的重量成正比的.但是到了十六世纪末,伽利略坚决主张,若重力是惟一的作用力,则所有物体的降落速度都是相同的,他还认为,人们观察到的轻物体降落速度较慢是由于空气的阻力引起的,因为空气阻力对轻物体的影响要比对同样大小同样形状的重物体的影响大得多. 例2:He returned with his citation for gallantry from the hand of General Lee to a ruined plantation, where for a year now his daughter had subsisted partially on the meager bounty of the man to whom fifteen years ago he had granted permission to live in that tumbledown fishing camp whose very existence he had at the time forgotten. 【译文】他带着李将军颁发给他的英勇奖状回到已经毁坏了的种植园.在这里他女儿一年来部分地靠沃许(Wash)的一点点施舍过活.沃许就是15年前经他允许住进他过去钓鱼时住过的破败的小屋的那个人,此时他连这间破屋的存在都已忘却了. He returned … … to a ruined plantation where (非限定性定语从句) to whom(限定性定语从句) whose(限定性定语从句) 例3:Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of development of human history: the simple fact, hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing, before it can pursue polities, science, art, religion, etc.;
