编辑: 没心没肺DR 2014-11-25
Establishing a Win-Win Partnership -AIAG to Support China Automotive Supply Chain创造双赢局面-美国汽车工业行动集团支持中国汽车工业供应链 Dr.

Yilong Chen, General Director C Asia Pacific &

Chief Representative in China, AIAG陈以龙博士, AIAG 亚太地区事务总监 兼驻中国首席代表 June 26-27,2006, Beijing Agenda 议程 I. Industry trend - Global manufacturing;

行业发展趋势-全球制造II. Opportunity and Challenges for Chinese automotive industry 中国汽车工业的机遇和挑战III. Key factors for a successful global manufacturing and sourcing in China;

成功的重要因素IV. AIAG member companies'

requirement on quality and material management;

AIAG成员公司对质量和物流管理要求V. AIAG committed to support automotive supply chain in China. AIAG承诺支持中国汽车工业供应链 I. Automotive Industry Trend汽车业发展趋势 Supply base is changing 供应商体系在变化GM reduced its

3700 global supply base by

500 suppliers in 2005. 通用汽车全球3700全球供应商体系在2005年精减了500家Ford has announced it will move from

2500 to

800 suppliers. 福特汽车宣称供应商将会由2500家精减至800家Delphi is moving from nearly 4,000 suppliers to

700 to

900 suppliers in the next few years. Delphi在未来的几年将会由将近4000家供应商精减至700到900家Go Global 全球化Global Manufacturing 全球制造Global sourcing 全球采购China auto industry plays more important role 中国汽车业增长迅速 Vehicle Vol. (M) Year China automotive industry: Growing fast 中国汽车业增长迅速 Production volume reached 5.71 M. 汽车产量达到 571万辆.Total sales in

2005 reached 5.76 M2005年销售总量达到 576万. 14.00 9.60 6.50 5.71 5.07 4.44 3.25 2.33 2.07 1.83 1.63 1.58 1.46 1.43 1.35 1.30 Volume (M)

2020 2010

2006 2005

2004 2003

2002 2001

2000 1999

1998 1997

1996 1995

1994 1993 Year Vehicle Production Volume in China中国汽车产量 机遇 - 中国汽车零部件出口增长迅速China Automotive Parts Export: Growing Fast! Great Opportunity Ahead !! 1984: $5.9M 590万美元1997: $540M 5.4亿美元2003: $4.3B 43亿美元2005: $15.2B, 75% growth compared to 2004. and became the fifth largest auto parts supply to US. 2005:152亿美元, 对比2004年增长了75%,已成为美国第五大供应商.It is estimated that the annual growth rate of auto parts market in China may reach 35% during the 11th Five-Year Plan period. 据估计,在第11个五年计划期间中国汽车零部件市场可能会达到35%的年增长率.Auto part export may reach $40 B in 2010. 2010年汽车零部件出口额将会达到400亿美元. Challenges 面对的挑战 Cost of raw material increases. 原材料成本增加了 Industry experiencing generally lower profit margins due to tougher competition. 由于同行激烈的竞争, 中国汽车工业总体说来利润降低Lack of innovative, high value components to differentiate product 缺乏自主创新技术,附加产值低Appreciation of Chinese currency has negatively impacted export profits. 人民币的增值给出口利润带来负面影响Most auto part suppliers are in small scale. 多数汽车零部件供应商规模不大 Difficult to meet Quality requirement 尚难满足质量要求Difficult to meet Deliver In Time requirement 尚难满足客户及时交货要求 Key Factors 拿到定单的关键因数 for auto parts suppliers to get purchase order from their customers How to realize a sustainable grow? 如何实现可持续的增长How to increase export? 如何增加出口 Quality Service/Deliver in Time Cost Purchase Order 成本 质量 服务/交货及时 GM'
