编辑: hgtbkwd 2019-07-16
基于负荷参与的源荷互动调峰多目标优化方法 田浩1,

2 , 刘文颖1 , 王方雨1 , 王维洲3 , 药炜4 (1.

新能源电力系统国家重点实验室 (华北电力大学) , 北京 102206;

2. 江苏科能电力工程咨询有限公司, 江苏 南京 210036;

3. 国网甘肃省电力公司电力科学研究院, 甘肃 兰州 730070;

4. 国网山西省电力公司 太原供电公司, 山西 太原 030012) Multi-Objective Optimal Method of Source-Load Peaking Regulation Based on Participation of Loads TIAN Hao1,2 , LIU Wenying1 , WANG Fangyu1 , WANG Weizhou3 , YAO Wei4 (1. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources(North China Electric Power University) , Beijing 102206, China;

2. Jiangsu Keneng Electric Power Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210036, Jiangsu, China;

3. State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute, Lanzhou 730070, Gansu, China;

4. Taiyuan Electric Power Supply Company, State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Company, Taiyuan 030012, Shanxi, China) 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (51377053) ;

国家科技 支撑计划(2015BAA01B04);

国家电网公司科技项目(52272216002D) ;

国网甘肃省电力公司科技项目(SGGSKY00JNJS1700152) . Project Supported by the General Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China(51377053) ;

the National Key Technology Research and Development Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(2015BAA01B04);

the Science and Technology Program of State Grid Corporation of China(52272216002D);

the Science and Technology Program of State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company of China(SGGSKY00JNJS1700152) . 第34卷第11期2018年11月 文章编号: 1674-3814 (2018) 11-0032-07 电网与清洁能源 Power System and Clean Energy 中图分类号: TM761 文献标志码: A Vol.34 No.11 Nov.

2018 ABSTRACT : With integration of large-scale wind power, narrowness of the transmission channel and lack of the peaking regulation ability of the conventional power source often lead to the serious problem of abandoned wind. Therefore, it is necessary to find out new ways to improve the wind power integration capability. In this paper, first of all, the characteristics of adjustable loads such as high- energy load, electric boilers and electric vehicles are analyzed. Secondly, based on the adjustable characteristics of all kinds of loads, a multi- objective optimal model of source-load interacting peaking regulation is established to minimize the operating cost and maximum the consumed capacity of wind power. Next, an improved genetic algorithm is used to solve the model. Finally, the feasibility and validity of peak shaving optimization method are verified by an example. KEY WORDS:source- load interaction;

peaking regulation;

adjustable load;

improved genetic algorithm 摘要: 大规模风电并网后, 外送通道狭窄以及常规电源调峰 能力不足导致弃风问题严重, 为此, 需要寻求提高风电消纳 能力的新途径.分析了高载能负荷、 电热锅炉和电动汽车负 荷的可调节特性, 基于各类负荷的可调节能力, 建立以消纳 风电最大和系统运行成本最小的源荷互动调峰多目标优化 模型, 并采用改进遗传算法进行求解.通过算例验证了调峰 优化方法的可行性与有效性. 关键词: 源荷互动;



改进遗传算法 近年来, 我国风电装机容量迅速提高.由于外 送通道狭窄, 大规模新能源基地弃风问题严重.为 消纳风电, 常规机组压出力运行导致系统运行成本 大幅升高[1] .利用高载能企业、 电动汽车、 蓄热电锅 炉等大容量负荷的可调节特性, 形成源荷互动调峰 模式, 是提高电网风电消纳电量、 降低系统运行成本 的可行途径. 大容量可调节负荷用于源荷互动调峰, 具有以 下特性: 1)可调节容量大.高载能企业的用电成本 占产品总值的比例一般在 30%以上, 大规模风电基 地一般都建有高载能企业.高载能负荷在甘肃酒泉 风电基地附近有大量分布;
