编辑: 此身滑稽 2019-07-06
优质睡眠小贴士 1.

营造良好的睡眠环境 保持寝具舒适简洁、关掉电子产品,并保持寝室宁静及黑暗.睡前尽量不要用智能手机 或电脑,因为它的光线令你保持清醒. 2. 睡前来个暖水澡 暖水澡有助加快血液从大脑运送到皮肤表层,有 助身体放,准备进入睡眠状态.此外, 如果睡房保持清爽凉快,体温会较快下降,有助 引发睡意和促进深层睡眠. 3. 避免喝含咖啡因及酒精饮料 睡眠的过程分为浅睡及深睡期.虽然酒精可能有 助入睡,但会延长浅睡期,以导致过早或 半夜醒来.此外,酒精饮品亦会令人脱水,导致 口乾而睡.睡前六小时也不宜喝含咖啡因 的饮品(例如咖啡、浓茶和朱古力饮料),以免干 扰睡眠. 4. 睡前小食要合宜 睡前二至三个小时不宜吃得过饱或辛辣食物,因会导致消化不良,而影响睡眠.如果在睡前感到饥饿,建议吃水果、全麦面包 或热鲜奶. 5. 平日做适量运动 定期做适当的运动有助带你进入更深层睡眠.建议每星期做带氧运动最少三次,每次 二十至三十分钟.避免在睡前两小时做过度剧烈的运动,以致身体受到刺激而难以入睡. 6. 写下你的烦恼 思考过度是导致失眠的一个重要因素,如果你发觉睡前脑袋不能停下来,可尝试把你的忧虑、想法、要做的事情写下来,告诉 自己:「我现在要休息,否则我没有精神应付明天的工作.明天的事明天再想吧!」然后试著安心睡觉. Tips on a Good Night's Sleep 1. Keep your Bedroom Relaxing Keep your bed clean and comfortable. Keep the sound and lights down. Turn off all electric devices. Try not to use your smart phone and computer before bed, because its light will keep you awake. 2. Take a Warm Bath Warm bath brings a relaxing effect to the body, since it directs the blood flow from the brain to the skin. Also if you keep your bedroom cool, it helps you to fall asleep by dropping your body temperature. 3. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine Alcohol disturbs sleep by drying up your mouth. Sleep cycle includes light and deep level of sleep. Although alcohol can make you sleepy, it extends the light sleep cycle, and causes early or frequent awakening. Avoid drinks containing caffeine (such as coffee, strong tea, cocoa),

6 hours before bedtime, since they can keep you awake. 4. Watch What You Eat Eating too heavy or spicy meals can cause indigestion leading to sleep difficulty. So, avoid eating large meals

2 -3 hours before bedtime. If you feel hungry, take some light snack, such as wheat bread, warm milk, and fruits. 5. Regular Exercise Exercise regularly leads you to achieve deeper level of sleep. The best you can have

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30 minutes aerobic exercise at least

3 times a week. Avoid doing vigorous exercise

2 hours before bedtime, since it keeps your body alert and disturbs you from falling asleep. 6. Write Down Your Worries Thinking too much is one of the main cause of insomnia. If you find that your brain cannot stop before bed, try to write down your worries, thoughts, things need to do, and tell yourself, "I need to sleep now, otherwise I won't be able to function well tomorrow. For tomorrow's stuff, I will manage it tomorrow", then try to let yourself sleep.
