编辑: 没心没肺DR 2019-02-12

7 性别主流化亦有助执行政策和 措施的人员识别男女在不同环境 的需要、关注、限制、权益和取 向.机构人员如能在处理日常事 务和推行政策过程中顾及性别观 点,将可更有效照顾使用者的需 要,使工作效率提高. Gender mainstreaming is also useful for of?cers responsible for the implementation of policies and measures. It helps them identify the needs, concerns, constraints, interests and orientations of women and men in different situations. This gender sensitivity enables them to be more responsive to customers?needs and hence achieve greater ef?ciency in daily operation and policy implementation. 国际规和政策承诺 性别主流化是联合国为促进妇 女权益及两性平等而提议的全球 策略.1995年在北京举行的联 合国第四次世界妇女大会上通 过的《北京行动纲要》确立了这 项策略.此后,很多国家相继 在决策过程中采纳性别主流化的 概念.性别主流化获世界多国 确认为现代化的优良政策管理 措施.有关联合国就性别主流 化的介绍,可参考联合国妇女 署网站(只有英文版)(http:// www.unwomen.org/en/how- we-work/un-system-coordination /gender-mainstreaming). 香港特区政府一直致力促进两性 平等和妇女权益.自联合国的 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公 约》 (《妇女公约》)於1996 年引入香港后,香港特区政府贯彻履行其在公约下有关消除妇女受歧视的责任.推广 性别主流化是香港特区政府促进 两性平等,提升妇女地位的重要 International practice and policy commitment Gender mainstreaming is the United Nations?global strategy to achieve gender equality and promote women? s interests. It was established in

1995 upon adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing. Many countries have since implemented gender mainstreaming in policy-making. It is considered a good and modern policy management practice all over t........
