编辑: 没心没肺DR 2019-02-12
性别主流化 Gender MainstreaMinG 把两性的观点及需要纳入主流考虑 以达致两性平等 Making the perspectives and needs of both genders mainstream consideration for achieving gender equality 序言 性别主流化是联合国为促进妇女权益和两性平等而倡议的全球 策略.

1995年在北京举行的联合国第四次世界妇女大会上通过 的《北京行动纲要》确立了这项策略.此后,很多国家相继在 决策过程中采纳性别主流化的概念. 自2002年起,在妇女事务委员会(妇委会)的建议和协助下,政 府已在多个政策和工作逐步推行性别主流化.为推动性别 主流化,妇委会制订性别主流化检视清单,并不时向政府、各 行业,及公众推广性别主流化. 在2015年施政报告中,行政长官接纳妇委会的建议,要求所有 政策局及部门由2015-16年度开始,在制定主要政府政策及措施 时须参考性别主流化检视清单并应用性别主流化. 我们期望透过出版《性别主流化手册》,提升政府人员对性别 主流化的认识和性别敏感度,协助各人员在工作上应用性别主 流化,使政府的政策和服务能够充分考虑男性和女性的需要和 关注. 妇女事务委员会 2015年Foreword Gender mainstreaming is the United Nations'

global strategy to promote women'

s interests and achieve gender equality. It was established in

1995 upon adoption of the Beijing Platform for Action at the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing. Many countries have since implemented gender mainstreaming in policy- making. Since 2002, with the advice and support of the Women'

s Commission, the Government started to implement gender mainstreaming in various policy and programme areas. To facilitate the introduction of gender mainstreaming, the Commission developed a Gender Mainstreaming Checklist, and promoted gender mainstreaming to Government, various industries and public from time to time. In the

2015 Policy Address, the Chief Executive accepted the recommendations of the Commission that, starting from 2015-16, all bureaux and departments should be required to refer to the checklist and apply gender mainstreaming to formulating major government policies and initiatives. We hope that this guidebook helps government officers understand more about gender mainstreaming and enhance their gender sensitivity. It will facilitate their application of gender mainstreaming at work, so that public policies and services can take proper account of the needs and concerns of both women and men. Women'

s Commission

2015 Gender Mainstreaming Guidebookng

4 目录 Content

2 第一部分 认识性别主流化 Part One Understanding Gender Mainstreaming

14 第二部分 应用性别主流化 Part Two Applying Gender Mainstreaming

20 第三部分 应用性别主流化的实例 Part Three Examples on Application of Gender Mainstreaming

30 附录1 性别主流化检视清单 Appendix

1 Gender Mainstreaming Checklist

44 附录2 性别课题联络人名单 Appendix

2 List of Gender Focal Point 认识 性别主流化 UNDERSTANDING GENDER MAINSTREAMING

2 性别主流化手册 引言 INTRODUCTION 性别主流化是联合国为促进妇女权益和两性平等而提议的全球 策略,以确保两性可以同等享有并受惠於社会的资源和机会, 从而促进妇女发展,达致两性平等. Gender Mainstreaming is a global strategy advocated by the United Nations for the promotion of women'

s advancement and gender equality. It seeks to ensure that women and men have equitable access to, and benefit from, society'
