编辑: 没心没肺DR 2019-02-12

s resources and opportunities, with the aim of achieving women'

s advancement and gender equality. 男女的生命历程、需要和经验均可能有异.一些政策和措施因而可能会对男性及女性产生不同的影响.为尽量减少对某性别造成不公平或不便,我们有需要把性别作为一个独立的考虑因素,确保 男性和女性得到平等和公平的 对待. Women and men may be different in their development, needs and experiences in life. A policy or measure may therefore impact on women differently than on men. To minimise gender-based unfairness or inconvenience, we need to make gender an independent consideration to ensure fair and equitable treatment between women and men. Gender Mainstreaming Guidebook

3 性别考虑为何重要? 一些设於公共场所的育婴设 施使用含有女性特徵的标志 (例如穿裙子的人形图案) ,可能令男士误以为该育婴 设施只准女士使用,阻碍两 性平等使用该设施. 女士往往需要在商场或戏院 的洗手间外排,相反男士 则较少遇到同类情况.设置 相同数目的男女洗手间,会 否对男女造成不同的影响? WHY IS GENDER CONSIDERATION IMPORTANT? Babycare signage in public places often depicts femininity, such as a human ?gure in a dress. It may create a misunderstanding that the facility is provided for women only. This will hinder the equal access to the facility by both women and men. Women queuing up outside the toilet is a common scene in shopping arcades and cinemas, but much less so in the case of men. Is the male/ female toilet compartment ratio of 1:1 affecting men and women differently? 延伸阅读

1 育婴间设置指引 2008年年初,食物及o生局 推出新措施,邀请建筑署、 o生署、政府产业署、屋宇 署及房屋署共同制订「育婴间 设置指引」 .政府已於2008年 8月向政策局及部门传阅有关 指引,鼓励在政府及公共处 所加设合适的育婴间设施. 屋宇署亦会发出指引,供私营 机构参考. FURTHER READING

1 ADVISORY GUIDELINES ON BABYCARE FACILITIES In early 2008, the Food and Health Bureau initiated the formulation of the ?rst Advisory Guidelines on Babycare Facilities in collaboration with the Architectural Services Department, Department of Health, Government Property Agency, Buildings Department and Housing Department. The guidelines were subsequently issued to bureaux and departments in August

2008 to encourage the provision of suitable

4 性别主流化手册 babycare facilities in government and public premises. Guidelines for the private sector were also issued by the Buildings Department. During the drafting process of the guidelines, discussion groups with breastfeeding mothers were held to collect suggestions for desirable babycare rooms. The draft was then modi?ed accordingly. The guidelines suggest, for example, using gender- neutral signage rather than female logos to indicate that both males and females can use the babycare room, andpostinganoticeof Breastfeeding Area for Women Only (喂哺围,女 士专用) to indicate that only females are allowed in the breastfeeding area. 在草拟有关指引时,当局曾 与哺乳母亲举办讨论小组, 以收集她们对合适育婴室条 件的意见.指引拟稿亦经过 修订,顾及她们的需求,包 括育婴室应使用中性形象而 非女性形象的标志,以示男 女均可进入育婴室;

以及应 在母乳喂哺区张贴「喂哺 围,女士专用」指示牌,标 示只限女性进入. 延伸阅读

2 男女洗手间数目的规 由於女性一般使用洗手间的 时间较长,如果男女厕格的 比例相同,女厕便有可能出 现排现象. 屋宇署了解到近年公众场所 女厕经常排,而且轮候需 时,显示公众场所的女厕不 敷应用.因此,屋宇署曾就 为女性提供的o生设备进行 深入和全面的研究及检讨, FURTHER READING
