编辑: yyy888555 2017-11-29

s third longest bridge, the Hangzhou bay bridge, making it easily accessible from Shanghai, Hangzhou and Ningbo. It is within walking distance from the Hangzhou Bay Wetland Park, where guests can enjoy the vast wetland, large tracts of reed marshes and sightings of rare birds. The hotel has

453 spacious deluxe rooms, all equipped with modern facilities. 宁波杭州湾世纪金源大饭店紧邻世界排名第三的杭州湾跨海大桥,地理位置优越,便捷前往上海、 杭州、宁波等地,与杭州湾湿地公园咫尺之遥,轻松领略广阔的滩涂、大片的芦苇荡,以及珍稀 鸟类的栖息天堂.酒店拥有配备先进设施的豪华客房

453 间.? Empark Grand Hotel Kunming is located in the new and old urban intersection close to the ancient Guandu town, making it the perfect place to experience Kunming and its surroundings. The hotel features

746 elegantly appointed and spacious rooms, each with modern comforts such as cable TV, Jacuzzi bathtubs, free wifi access and spectacular views of the city. The renowned Tropical Spa has indoor and outdoor pools, a Jacuzzi, and offers more than

30 rejuvenating treatments. It also has a KTV and nightclub, providing exciting nightlife and entertainment for guests. There is an onsite travel agent that organizes tours and excursions to surrounding scenic spots such as the Stone Forest and Black Dragon Pool, or further to Lijiang and other popular destinations. 昆明世纪金源大饭店位于昆明新老交会之地官渡区,是春城主城区与新城区的新老交汇之地,是 您探索这个魅力城市最理想的出发点.酒店拥有客房

746 间,分布于酒店

20 层客房区域,每个 房间均配备有线电视、按摩浴缸、免费无线上网以及俯视城市美景的观景窗.酒店还配备有多个 室内及室外 SPA 池和近

30 种不同的 SPA 疗程.酒店的 KTV 和夜总会为客人提供丰富的夜间娱乐 生活.酒店内有旅行社,可以安排客人的观光游览活动,如参观石林和黑龙潭,或前往丽江及其 它附近著名景区的行程.? Empark Grand Hotel Tengchong is situated in Tengchong County, a city famous for its stunning volcanic landscape, hot springs and stunning prehistoric national parks. Perched atop a bluff, the hotel offers panoramic views of the Gaoligong Mountain and North Sea Wetland. Guests can enjoy a game at the 54-hole golf course designed by renowned golf architect Roger Packard, an authentic Chinese acupuncture massage in the spa, a stroll along the lake to enjoy a water screen film, or simply sit back and enjoy the unbeatable mountain views and beautiful sunset. 腾冲世纪金源大饭店坐落于旅游天堂云南省腾冲县.腾冲,滇西边陲享誉盛名之地,历史上曾是 古西南丝绸之路的要冲,著名的翡翠集散地,享有 极边第一城 的美誉.在这里,拥有 70%覆盖 率的原始森林、90 多座火山傲视苍穹、80 余处地热温泉喷珠溅玉、35 个少数民族聚集出浓郁民 族风情.酒店建筑错落有致,延山谷而下,于青山碧水之间.远处高黎贡山巍峨屹立,脚下山峦 叠嶂、云雾缭绕、蝴蝶纷飞.酒店的

54 洞国际标准高尔夫球场由美国著名设计大师罗杰?帕克德 先生设计.酒店的 SPA 馆提供传统的中医针灸按摩.在湖边散步、欣赏水幕电影或坐下来静静品 味群山美景和亦梦亦幻的晚霞都是不错的选择.? Empark Grand Hotel Xishuangbanna is located in the picturesque Jinghong City, along the bank of the Langcang (Mekong) River and adjacent to the Empark Orchid Golf Course. The magnificent hotel has
