编辑: 飞翔的荷兰人 2015-08-08

18 hours coherent style which is more adaptable to the needs of the modern audience. Audience of Music Radio can enjoy pop music the whole day through. 都市之声The sound Metro 都市之声 都市之声立足北京,面向全国,主打都市概念,紧扣生活主题,关注都市百姓和移动人群的全息生活,以 实用的资讯、经典的音乐和丰富的节目样态,始终服务于都市时尚人群. Standing in Beijing, facing to the country, holding metropolitan concept, keeping into the theme of life, caring all sides of life in metropolis, The sound Metro caters to fashionable groups in metropolis with practical information, classical music and diversities of programmes. 中华之声The sound Chinese and The sound Shenzhou 中华之声、神州之声 中华之声和神州之声是中央人民广播电台对台湾及海外听众服务的专业频率,覆盖中国大陆东南沿海、中 国台湾地区以及东南亚、南太平洋等地区.两套节目分别用普通话、闽南话、客家话播出.中华之声为新闻综 合频率,报道海峡两岸大事,为台湾听众提供最快捷的新闻资讯.神州之声为方言文艺频率,以闽南话、客家 话向台湾同胞报道 神州之声台胞祖地信息,传递乡情亲情、展示中华文化的魅力. The sound Chinese and The sound Shenzhouare CNR'

s specialized channels for audience in Taiwan and overseas. This two channels broadcast in Mandrain, Hokkienese and Hakka and cover southeast China, Taiwan region, Southeast Asia, south Pacific and Japan etc. Zhonghua News Radio is a comprehensive news channel which provides coverage of cross-strait hot issues, as well as the latest news and information for the audience. Shenzhou Easy Radio mainly broadcasts programmes in dialect and art and literature programmes. The Hokkienese and Hakka programmes of this channel play an important role in reporting the news of the ancestral home, conveying the love from

7 homeland and showing the charm of Chinese culture. 华夏之声The sound Huaxia 华夏之声 华夏之声是中央人民广播电台覆盖香港、澳门和珠江三角洲地区的两个广播频率,分别为华夏双语频率和 华夏之声普通话频率.两个频率以沟通港澳和内地为己任,传播新闻资讯、呈现南北文化、打造时尚生活,服 务对象地区,已经成为港澳听众了解内地、内地听众了解港澳的权威平台. Huaxia Radio, including a bilingual frequency and a Mandarin frequency, covers Hong Kond, Macao and Pearl River Delta areas. The priority of Huaxia Radio is to build a bridge between Hong Kong, Macao and mainland China by airing news, cultural programmes, fashionable lifestyles, information service etc. and has made itself an authoritative platform for listeners in mainland and listeners in Hong Kong, Macao to learn about each other. 民族之声Ethnic Minority 民族之声 民族之声是中央人民广播电台针对民族地区播出的广播频率,采用蒙古、维吾尔、哈萨克、朝鲜4种民族语 言播出,其电波主要覆盖中国内蒙古、新疆、吉林、辽宁、黑龙江及首都北京等地.同时,在与我国相邻的朝 鲜、韩国、日本、蒙古、哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、俄罗斯等国也能听到该频率的节目. Ethnic Minority Radio, beamed at ethnic minority regions, broadcasts in Mongolian, Uigur, Kazakh and Korean. It covers the areas of Inner Monglia, Xinjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Heilongjiang and Beijing. Neighboring countries such as the North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Mongloia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Russia can also receive the signals of this channel. The sound Story 文艺之声 文艺之声是以 语言文艺节目 为主要内容,以 讲故事 为基本特色的类型化频率,每天大容量播出评书、长 篇连播、相声、小品笑话集锦等等中国特色的多种语言文艺类节目,形态各异、内容丰富,尽显中国语言文化 的魅力,深受北京广大听众的喜爱. With the main content of language literature , The sound Story is specialized in telling stories, such as novel series, cross talks, jokes and the other kind of language programmes. The sound Storypresents the fascination of Chinese language culture in various forms which are deeply favored by the audience in Beijing The sound Senior Citizen 老年之声 老年之声是中央人民广播电台专为中老年朋友推出的专业化广播频率,节目从新闻信息、生活服务、养生 保健、休闲娱乐到心灵慰藉等多层面打造中老年人的精神文化家园. The sound Seni........
