编辑: 5天午托 2013-01-23

2010 年报

71 Biographical Details of Directors, Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer 董事、公司秘书及财务总监之履历 EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS Mr.

Lin Fan, aged 52, is the chairman and an executive director of the Company. He is also the chairman of the remuneration committee of the Company. Mr. Lin was appointed as the vice president of TPG and TPG (HK) in July 1999, a managing director of TPG and TPG (HK) in July 2000, and the vice chairman of TPG and TPG (HK) in August 2004. He was appointed as the vice chairman and general manager of TPG and TPG (HK) in May 2005, and the chairman of TPG and TPG (HK) in August 2008. Mr. Lin was a director of TPI from December

2001 to December

2006 and since October 2010. He is currently a non- executive director of MAH, the chairman of CTPI (HK), a director of TPL, a director of TPP and a director of TPAM. Mr. Lin is an insurance specialist with more than

30 years of experience in the insurance industry. Mr. Lin was the deputy general manager of the People'

s Insurance Company of China ( PICC ), Guangzhou Branch from September

1990 to September

1996 and the general manager of PICC, Shenzhen Branch from September

1996 to July 1999. Mr. Song Shuguang, aged 49, is the vice chairman and an executive director of the Company. Mr. Song holds a Bachelor degree in Economics from Jilin University and a Master degree in Economics from the Postgraduate School of Jilin University. Mr. Song has been a managing director of TPG since June

2002 and a managing director of TPG (HK) since August 2002. He was appointed as the general manager of TPG and TPG (HK) in August 2008. He was appointed as a director of TPI since December 2001, a director of TPP since December 2004, a director of TPAM since February 2007, a director of China Taiping Insurance (UK) Co., Ltd. since November 2009, the chairman of TPL since March

2010 and a director of CTPI (HK) since May 2010. Mr. Song was the deputy director of the General Affairs Department and Policy &

Legal and Policy Research of the State Planning Commission of the PRC from August

1985 to September 1993;

the division chief and departmental deputy general manager of PICC from October

1993 to October 1998;

and the chief head of the Finance &

Accounting Department of the CIRC from November

1998 to April 2000. 执行董事 林帆先生,52岁,本公司董事长及执行董事. 彼亦为本公司薪酬委员会主席.林先生於一九 九九年七月获委任为中国太平集团及中国太平 集团(香港)副总经理、於二零零零年七月获委任 为中国太平集团及中国太平集团(香港)常务董 事,以及於二零零四年八月获委任为中国太平 集团及中国太平集团(香港)副董事长.彼自二零 零五年五月起担任中国太平集团及中国太平集 团(香港)副董事长及总经理,以及於二零零八年 八月获委任为中国太平集团及中国太平集团(香港)董事长.林先生自二零零一年十二月至二零 零六年十二月及自二零一零年十月起为太平财 险之董事.彼现时为民安控股非执行董事、中 国太平香港董事长、太平人寿董事、太平养老 董事及太平资产董事.林先生为保险专家,於 保险业拥有30年余经验.林先生於一九九零年 九月至一九九六年九月期间担任中国人民保险 公司 ( 「人保」 ) 广州分公司副总经理,以及一九 九六年九月至一九九九年七月期间担任人保深 圳分公司总经理. 宋曙光先生,49岁,本公司副董事长及执行董 事.宋先生持有吉林大学经济学士学位及吉林 大学研究生院经济硕士学位.由二零零二年六 月起宋先生任中国太平集团之常务董事及由二 零零二年八月起出任中国太平集团(香港)之常务 董事,并於二零零八年八月获委任为中国太平 集团及中国太平集团(香港)总经理.宋先生分别 於二零零一年十二月起任太平财险之董事、二 零零四年十二月起获委任为太平养老之董事、 二零零七年二月起获委任为太平资产之董事、 二零零九年十一月起任中国太平保险 (英国) 有 限公司之董事、二零一零年三月起任太平人寿 董事长及二零一零年五月起获委任为中国太平 (香港) 之董事.宋先生由一九八五年八月至一 九九三年九月为中国国家计划委员会一般事 务、政策、法律及政策研究等部门之副处长;
