编辑: 5天午托 2018-10-07
2016年普通高等学校全国统一招生考试(浙江卷) 自选模块试题 题号:01 课目:语文 《论语》选读 模块(10分) 阅读下面的材料,然后回答问题, 材料一: 子贡曰: 贫而无谄,富而无骄,何如? 子曰: 可也.

未若贫而乐,富而好礼者也. 子贡曰: 《诗》云,'


,其斯之谓与? 子曰: 赐也!始可与言《诗》已矣,告诸往而知来者. (《论语?学而》) 材料二: 子夏问曰: 巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,素以为绚兮'

何谓也? 子曰: 绘事后素. 曰: 礼后乎? 子曰: 起予者商也!始可与言诗已矣. (《论语?八佾》) 材料三: 陈亢问于伯鱼曰: 子亦有异闻乎? 对曰: 未也.尝独立,鲤趋而过庭.曰:'






鲤退而学《诗》….. .(《论语?季氏》) 材料四: 子曰: 《诗》三百,一言以蔽之,曰: 思无邪 .(《论语?为政》) (1)根据材料一和材料二,指出孔子的教学特色. (2)根据上述材料,归纳学习《诗经》的意义. 题号:02 课目:语文 外国小说欣赏 模块(10分) 阅读下面的小说,然后回答问题. 彩票 [德国]沃尔夫?冈哈尔姆 尤利乌斯是个画家,而且是一个很不错的画家.他画快乐的世界,因为他自己就是一个快乐的人.不过没人买他的画,因此他想起来会有点伤感,但只是一会. 玩玩足球彩票吧! 他的朋友们劝他, 只花2马克便可赢很多钱! 于是尤利乌斯花2马克买了一张彩票,并真的中了彩!他赚了50万马克. 你瞧! 朋友说, 你多走运啊!现在你还经常画画吗? 我现在就只画支票上的数字! 尤利乌斯笑到. 尤利乌斯买了一栋别墅并对它进行一番装修.他很有品位.买了许多好东西,阿富汗地毯,维也纳橱柜,佛罗伦萨小桌,迈森瓷器,还有古老的威尼斯吊灯. 尤利乌斯很满意地坐了下来,他点燃一支香烟静静的享受他的幸福.突然他感到好孤单,便想去看看朋友.他把烟往地上一扔,在原来那个石头做的画室里他经常这样做,然后他就出去了. 燃烧着的香烟躺在地上,躺在华丽的阿富汗地毯上……一个小时以后,别墅变成一片火的海洋,它完全烧没了. 朋友们很快就知道了这个消息,他们都来安慰尤利乌斯. 尤利乌斯,真是不幸啊! 他们说. 怎麽不幸了? 尤利乌斯问. 损失啊!尤利乌斯,你先在什麽都没有了! 什麽啊!不过是损失了2个马克. (1)小说为什么以 彩票 为题?谈谈你的看法. (2)结尾 什麽啊!不过是损失了2马克 是否在情理之中?试作简要分析. 题号:03 科目:数学 复数与导数 模块(10分) (1)已知i为虚数单位,若复数z满足(z+i)2=2i,求复数z (2)求曲线y=2x2+lnx在点(1,2)处得切线方程. 题号:04 科目:数学 计数原理与概率 模块(10分) (1)已知(1+2x)4(1-x2)3=a0+a1x+a2x2+…a10x10,求a2的值 (2)设袋中共有8个球,其中3个白球、5个红球,从袋中随机取出3个球,求至少有1个白球的概率 题号:05 科目:英语 阅读理解(分两节,共5小题;

每小题2分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题. The day before a long flight you are hurrying through last-minute chores and errands,packing and reading guide books.Then,on the plane ,you have several drinks with dinner and stay up late watching the movie.After a brief nap ,it'

s time for breakfast and a morning arrival in,let'

s say,Paris or Rome.Adrenaline(肾上腺素)flowing,you spend the entire day sightseeing and taking pictures .By evening,exhaustion has set in,and the next morning,you can hardly wake up before noon . ① Most people who travel by air across multiple time zones fall victim to this trouble of modem air travel .They may suffer from any of a number of unpleasant symptoms ,including sleeplessness,fatigue(疲劳),sickness,and sleepiness. Acording to Dr.Harriet Minsky,professor of psychology at Montreal University,the symptoms of jet lag(飞行时差反应)vary from person to person ,and also vary according to how far a traveler has flown Recovery from jet lag also varies ② Dr.Minsky points out that there are three primary causes of jet lag, and of these, two are avoidable.First, people often wear themselves out getting ready for a trip, so they are already exhausted when they get on the plane.Second, long-distance travelers often have a couple of drinks to pass the time.The alcohol can cause a stomach upset and disturb their sleep. The third and unavoidable cause of jet lag is the fact that long distance air travel upsets your internal biological clock.Dr.Alvin Lacy, chief of general medicine at Northern Medical College, explains that our inner clock controls our cycle of sleeping and waking. ③ Without them, the brain tends to set its biological clock to a longer day.This means that, for most travelers, the effects of jet lag are less severe on trips toward the west, because the travel is following the sun.In traveling toward the east, the body must adjust by shortening its day, going against the body'
