编辑: 笔墨随风 2019-07-18
育达商业科技大学 行销与流通管理系 硕士学位论文 地方基层金融之绩效指标及组织变革之探讨- 以C信合社为例 The Study of Performance Index and Organization Change for Local Financial Institution:the Case of C Credit Cooperative Association 研究生:陈宏铠 指导教授:黄振谊 博士 中华民国一一 年 六月 I 志谢 在年近半百之时,我还能为到学校读书,要感谢谢尚行老师与黄主任慕也给我学习 的机会,同时也要对我这两年来,在论文指导的老师黄振谊老师特别感谢,虽然他的严 谨让我压力很大,但我也真正学习到如何完成论文,同时也要对口试委员刘中平老师致 谢,他特别从海洋大学来担任我的论文口试老师,其实在育达这两年要感谢的师长很 多,若未提到,只能在此说抱歉.

两年的学生生涯,原本是希望透过求学能认识更多来自不同领域的同学,但这方面 似乎有些欠缺,虽然如此,同学间的相处也是很愉快,尤其是一般生旭翊、君薇、晨瑜、 小嘉、钰琦及宇芹,虽然他们年纪较轻,但在一些行政事务的工作都由他们来协助,非 常感谢他们,唯一有遗憾是在这两年期间未能举办校外旅游活动. 在写论文的期间,因打字较慢,就请同学帮忙,从协助打字的君薇及晨瑜,共同讨 论论文及协助排版,投稿的旭翊及珈琪,电脑不错的建志,在此我都要感谢他们的帮忙. 最后我要感谢我的家人,在这两年中,我的身体状况并不是很好造成父母及家人的 担心,我感到抱歉,谢谢爸妈的支持,及老婆在这两年承担家中的重担,让我可以专心 把研究的课程读完,女儿也协助我做一些论文的打字,儿子也在操行上中规中矩,这些 都是让我能专心的动力,在此感谢他们的支持,我才能顺利取得硕士学位. 陈宏铠 谨志於苗栗育达 中华民国一 o ㄧ年六月 II 中文摘要 基层金融信用合作社为一兼具金融、经济及社会等功能,期间经长期演变,社会变 迁,经济发展,往昔的合作组织基本构想,现已经不存在.金融自由化后,国内金融环 境开始产生变化,银行业务围及憷┏,明显冲击到地区性小额放款的信用合作 社.此外,近几年来资讯科技的引进,金融 e 化结果对於业务弹性不大的信用合作社形 成另一种压力,所以信用合作社未来之经营方向为本研究之动机. 本研究为探索性研究,采取个案研究的方式作为研究方法,而用 半结构深度访谈 法 来进行资料收集.针对 A 地方基层金融信用合作社之

7 位经营管理者进行访谈,并 以绩效指标及组织变革为核心,探讨信用合作之未来经营方向,包括合并、改制商银或 维持现状. 研究结果发现,若信合社维持现状经营,对於信合社业务、财务绩效较佳者尚有经 营空间.若改制区域商业银行,依目前政府的金融整并政策,改制方向不可行,且信合 社同业意愿低.最终方案是并入金控,此为最佳方案,因为发展大型金融机构(金控) 为未来趋势,且形成业界之共识,因此,信合社对於未来长期方向与定位必须深思. 关键字:信用合作社、绩效指标、组织变革 III Abstract Credit Cooperative is a kind of local financial institution which combines the functions of finance, economies and social interactions. However, with the changes of social change and economic development, the original spirit of Credit Cooperative has not existed anymore. Especially, after the deregulation of finance, changes have caused huge impacts to the local finance institutions. This is because traditional banks have invaded to local counties and directly threat the original business of Credit Cooperation. In addition, by the upgrade of information technology, e-commerce has caused much pressure on small scale institutions. As a result, this research tries to explore the possible alternatives for Credit Cooperative. This research is a kind of exploratory case study, data is collected by in-depth interviewing and semi-structured questions were designed. Seven managers were selected to be interviewed to uncover the strategies of local Credit Cooperative. The research questions are based on performance index and organisation change. The aim is to try to find out the best alternative between merger, being a commercial bank or maintaining the present situation. The findings suggest that if the Credit Cooperative maintains the present situation, there are still growing spaces for those with good financial performance. The second alternative is to change to be a commercial bank, however, due to the limitations of law, this option is not allowed. The final choice is to be merged with banks and this is the best choice because banks equip with relatively more resources to compete in this industry. Managers suggest that merger and acquisition are the tendency in this industry. As a result, Credit Cooperatives have to think about its position and future development. Keywords: Credit Cooperative, Performance Index, Organisation Change IV 目录志谢…I 中文摘要…II 英文摘要…III 目录…IV 表目录…VI 图目录…VII
