编辑: NaluLee 2019-07-17

4 中国人力资本指数项目简介 中国人力资本与劳动经济研究中心(以下简称 中心 )的 中国人力资本的测量及人 力资本指标体系的构建 项目得到国家自然科学基金委员会连续九年的资助及中央财经大学 的专项资助.该项目旨在建立中国第一套科学、系统的人力资本指数,定量描述中国人力资 本的分布及发展动态;

为更深入地研究人力资本在中国经济发展中的作用提供综合的度量指 标;


同时也为中国的人力资本度量 方法和指标成为国际人力资本指标体系的一部分、为人力资本作为国民账户的一部分纳入到 我国国民财富的衡量体系提供前期工作.该项目由中心李海峥教授主持,由人力资本收入计 算法(Jorgenson-Fraumeni 方法)创始人之一的 Barbara Fraumeni 教授,中心全职教授和特聘 教授,以及中心全体博士、硕士研究生及行政人员共同参与. 研究成果汇编成的《中国人力资本报告》自2009 年公开发布以来,受到了国际、国内学 术界及我国政府部门的高度重视,引起了广泛的、良好的社会反响.中国人力资本报告系列 及历年的计算结果、中间数据、以及原始数据已经被广泛应用,相关资料及数据可以在人力 资本中心官方网站下载,免费供社会各界使用(http://humancapital.cufe.edu.cn/). The 10th International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor Markets China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research (CHLR)

5 LIST OF PAST SYMPOSIUMS ON HUMAN CAPTIAL AND LABOR MARKETS 2009--The First International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor Markets About the Symposium On October 10, 2009, CHLR held its first international symposium on measurement of human capital and released the China Human Capital Report 2009. The Principle Investigator for the project, Prof. Haizheng Li presented the methodology of the estimation of human capital stock and the estimation results at the national level for 1985-2007. The China Human Capital Report

2009 establishes China'

s first systematic and comprehensive human capital measurement and human capital index, including the stock of human capital of China 1985-2007, by urban-rural and by gender;

human capital per capita;

various human capital indices;

and the forecast of China'

s human capital stock for 2008-2020. The symposium included academic sessions focusing on the measurement of human capital, construction of the human capital index, and the contributions of human capital to economic growth and welfare. Participants Nobel Laureate Prof. Kenneth J. Arrow, Prof. Ken He (Deputy Director, Finance Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People'

s Congress), and Prof. Dale W. Jorgenson (co-founder of the Jorgenson-Fraumeni income-based method for measuring human capital, Harvard University), gave keynote speeches in the plenary session. Prof. Guangqian Wang (President of CUFE), Prof. Donggang Zhang (Deputy Director of the Social Science Division, Ministry of Education), Dr. Xianchun Xu (Deputy Commissioner, ........
