编辑: kr9梯 2019-09-16
Stock Code 股份代号 :

148 2017 ESG REPORT 环境、社会及 管冶报告 23/F, Delta House,

3 On Yiu Street, Shek Mun, Shatin, N.

T., Hong Kong 香港新界沙田石门安耀街三号汇达大厦二十三楼 Tel


2605 6493 Fax 传真:(852)

2691 5245 E-mail 电邮:enquiry@kingboard.com Web site


4 A. The Environment A. 环境

4 A1. Discharge and Emission A1. 排放物

10 A2. Consumption of Resources A2. 资源使用

15 A3. The Environment and Natural Resources A3. 环境及天然资源

15 B. The Community B. 社会

15 B1. Employment B1. 雇佣

17 B2. Health and Safety B2. 健康与安全

19 B3. Development and Training B3. 发展及培训

20 B4. Labour Standards B4. 劳工准则

21 B5. Supply-chain Management B5. 供应链管理

22 B6. Product Liability B6. 产品责任

23 B7. Anti-corruption B7. 反贪污

23 B8. Community Investment B8. 社区投资

24 Board Management &

Responsibility 董事会管理及责任 CONTENTS 目录


2017 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 环境、社会及管治报告 建滔集团有限公司 ( 「建滔集团」 、 「本集团」 或 「我们」 ) 将可持续发展融入企业的战略规划及日 常营运之中,务求为本集团的利益相关方创造 长远价值.本报告涵盖自二零一七年一月一日 至十二月三十一日期间 ( 「报告期间」 、 「2017年 财政年度」 ) 与覆铜面板、印刷线路板及化工产 品业务相关之环境、社会及管治 ( 「ESG」 ) 方面 的举措及相关表现事宜. 本环境、社会及管治报告 ( 「ESG报告」 ) 根 香港交易所主版上市规则附录二十七所载之 环境、社会及管治报告指引 ( 「ESG指引」 ) 而编 制.本ESG报告由主要利益相关者共同参与, 对各环境、社会及管治事宜 ( 「ESG事宜」 ) 进行 重要性评估,辨识我们对环境和社会有重大影 响的营运活动.下表为本报告所载对本集团属 重大的ESG事宜之摘要: ESG Guide Material ESG Matters ESG指引提要 重大ESG事宜 A. The Environment A. 环境 A1. Discharge and Emission - Air emissions - Wastewater management - Waste management - Carbon emissions A1. 排放物 - 大气排放物 - 污水管理 - 废弃物管理 - 碳排放 A2. Consumption of Resources - Energy management - Water consumption - Consumption of packaging materials A2. 资源使用 - 能源管理 - 用水 - 包装材料使用 A3. The Environment and Natural Resources - Environmental management - Soil conservation - Noise control A3. 环境及天然资源 - 环境管理 - 土壤保护 - 噪音控制 Kingboard Holdings Limited ( Kingboard Holdings , the Group or We ) has integrated sustainable development in its strategic planning and day-to-day operation, with a view to delivering long-term value to stakeholders of the Group. This report covers the initiatives and performance in environmental, social and governance ( ESG ) matters relating to laminates, printed circuit boards and chemical products for the period commencing on

1 January and ending on

31 December

2017 ( Reporting Period , FY2017 ). This environmental, social and governance report ( ESG Report ) has been prepared in accordance with the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide ( ESG Guide ) set out in Appendix

27 to the Main Board Listing Rules of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In connection with this ESG Report, our major stakeholders have participated in the materiality assessment of various environmental, social and governance matters ( ESG Matters ) and identified our operating activities with a material impact on the environment and the community. A summary of the ESG Matters material to the Group contained in this report is set out in the following table:

3 建滔集团有限公司二零一七年环境、社会及管治报告 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 环境、社会及管治报告 ESG Guide Material ESG Matters ESG指引提要 重大ESG事宜 B. The Community B. 社会 B1. Employment - Policies for recruitment, remuneration, promotion and dismissal B1. 雇佣 - 招聘、薪酬待遇、晋升及解雇政策 B2. Health and Safety - Production safety and staff health B2. 健康与安全 - 安全生产及员工身心健康 B3. Development and Training - Staff development and training B3. 发展及培训 - 员工发展及培训 B4. Labour Standards - Prevention of child labour or forced labour B4. 劳工准则 - 防止童工或强制劳工 B5. Supply-chain Management - Supply-chain quality and management of sustainable development B5. 供应链管理 - 供应链质量及可持续发展管理 B6. Product Liability - Customer service, product quality and customer privacy B6. 产品责任 - 客户服务、产品质量及客户私隐 B7. Anti-corruption - Integrity and corruption-free practices as corporate principles B7. 反贪污 - 诚信与廉洁的企业原则 B8. Community Investment - Nurturing people and care for the underprivileged B8. 社区投资 - 培育人才与扶贫


2017 ENVIRONMENTAL, SOCIAL AND GOVERNANCE REPORT 环境、社会及管治报告 A. THE ENVIRONMENT A1 Discharge and emission The Group is committed to minimising the environmental impact of air emissions, waste water and solid wastes generated in its production process. We seek to reduce the volume of discharge of air emissions, waste water and hazardous wastes in all areas, such as production, office and staff quarters, by formulating regulations and operating procedures relating to environmental protection. In addition, we also focus on preventive measures, as we conduct evaluation of the source of discharge and emission on a regular basis, devise schemes to reduce discharge and emission at source, make adjustments to energy-related technologies and equipment, and seek further opportunities for recycling discharged materials and turning them into usable resources. We also make proactive efforts to optimise facilities and procedures for processing discharge and emission to ensure their effectiveness. Moreover, we are aware of the fact that employees play an important role in the reduction of industrial waste. We have put in considerable resources to the education of employees on raising the awareness of environmental protection. We have also established a dedicated environmental protection task force responsible for formulating and implementing our environmental strategy, defining the environmental objectives of various business units and coordinating their environmental initiatives, supervising the implementation of targets in discharge and emission through a relevant mechanism for environmental audits and investigating future environmental rectification plans based on the outcome of such audits. The Group implements the ISO14001 management system to process or control waste water, air emissions and wastes generated in the production process from their sources. Improvement measures are carried out annually to reduce discharges and environmental hazards on an ongoing basis. A. 环境 A1 排放物 本集团积极将生产过程中排放的废气、 污水及废弃物对环境的影响减至最低........
