编辑: 过于眷恋 2018-02-04
第三十一卷 第一期 地球学报Vol.

31 No.1 二一年二月: 95-101 Acta Geoscientica Sinica Feb. 2010: 95-101 www.cagsbulletin.com www.地球学报.com 本文由中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所基金项目 K0722 和中国地质科学院重点实验室项目 C0903 资助. 收稿日期: 2009-11-16;

改回日期: 2010-01-20. 第一作者简介: 乜贞, 男,

1972 年生.高级工程师.主要从事盐湖资源综合利用研究.通信地址: 100037, 北京市百万庄大街

26 号.

电话: 010-68992231;

Email: nieezhen518@163.com. 中国盐湖锂资源的产业化现状 ――以西台吉乃尔盐湖和扎布耶盐湖为例 乜贞1,2,3) , 卜令忠1,2,3) , 郑绵平1,2,3) 1)中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所, 北京 100037;

2)国土资源部盐湖资源与环境重点实验室, 北京 100037;

3)中国地质科学院盐湖与热水资源研究发展中心, 北京

100037 摘要: 锂对国民经济和国家安全具有重要意义, 是21 世纪的能源金属.近10 年, 中国主要从国外进口碳 酸锂产品.中国是一个多盐湖的国家, 盐湖锂占锂资源工业总储量的 85%.现代第四纪盐湖主要分布在我国 西北的青海、西藏、新疆和内蒙古四省区, 具有很好的开发前景.经过多年科研后, 目前国内已经在西台吉 乃尔和扎布耶两个盐湖建立了卤水提锂产业. 本文对比研究了这两个盐湖资源状况和地理气候条件, 以及由 此而决定的盐湖资源开发工艺流程, 探讨了其工艺优化方向.并指出这两个盐湖具有锂资源储量大, 品位高 的优势, 但是受盐湖类型或地理气候条件限制, 工艺上有待改善.建议继续加强对盐湖开发技术优化和对盐 湖提锂产业的扶持. 关键词: 盐湖;




扎布耶盐湖 中图分类号: P967;


O611.65 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1006-3021(2010)01-095-07 Lithium Resources Industrialization of Salt Lakes in China: a Case Study of the Xitaijinaier Salt Lake and the Zabuye Salt Lake NIE Zhen1,2,3) , BU Ling-zhong1,2,3) , ZHENG Mian-ping1,2,3) 1) Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037;

2) Key Laboratory of Saline Lake Resources and Environment, Ministry of Land and Resources, Beijing 100037;

3) R &

D Center for Saline Lakes and Epithermal Deposits, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing

100037 Abstract: Lithium, an energy metal of 21st century, is of great significance to domestic economy and national se- curity. In the past decade, China has mainly relied on import to meet domestic requirement of lithium carbonate products. Salt lakes are well developed in China, which possess 85% of the total industrial lithium reserves. The Quaternary salt lakes, which have good exploitation prospects, are mainly distributed in northwestern China re- gions such as Qinghai, Tibet, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia. Through years of scientific research, the extraction of lithium products from salt lake brine has been achieved industrially in the Xitaijinaier Salt Lake and the Zabuye Salt Lake located in Qinghai and Tibet respectively. The resources, geography and climatic conditions as well as climate-dependant exploitation process flows of the two salt lakes are summarized and compared with each other in this paper, with a discussion on their optimized processing flows. Though the two salt lakes have the superiority of big reserves and high content of lithium resources, their process flows still need to be improved because of li- mitation of salt lake types and geographic and climatic conditions. The support to the process optimization of salt lake exploitation and salt lake-based lithium industry need to be further emphasized. Key words: salt lake;
