编辑: ok2015 2017-11-07
Applicants should remit to the designated bank account the relevant visa fee + all facilitation fees for each application + EMS courier charge of

65 RMB for each passport included with the application if chosen.

Please write the applicant's name and date of birth under the additional comments section when you make the payment, either deposit or bank transfer, and send us the payment evidence with your application so that we can quickly identify your payment. You must ensure that we receive the full and correct amount requested. Any banks charges must be taken care of at your end. *Please be advised that if the name of the remitter is not applicant's name you should write the applicant's name and date of birth on the bank remittance record. *Please clarify the purpose of the remittance. Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Beijing Visa Application Centre: Name of Bank: 中国银行北京使馆区支行 Bank Account Number:

341562002494 Account Holder Name: 北京双雄对外服务公司签证代理服务中心 Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Shanghai Visa Application Centre: Name of Bank: 中信银行上海卢湾支行 Bank Account Number:

7313510182600038984 Account Holder Name: 上海申慧因私出入境服务有限公司比利时签证中心 Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Guangzhou Visa Application Centre : Name of Bank: 中国工商银行广州第二支行 Bank Account Number:

3602 0005

1920 0501

304 Account Holder Name: 广东中旅移民签证顾问有限公司 Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Xi'an Visa Application Centre: Name of Bank: 中国银行股份有限公司西安二环世纪星支行 Bank Account Number:

102054648933 Account Holder Name: 西安博利出国中介有限公司 Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Chongqing Visa Application Centre: Name of Bank: 中国银行重庆渝中解放碑支行 Bank Account Number:

113013634166 Account Holder Name: 重庆亿通出国咨询有限公司 Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Hangzhou Visa Application Centre: Name of Bank: 兴业银行股份有限公司杭州凤起支行 Bank Account Number:

356910100100085928 Account Holder Name:杭州易达行商务咨询有限公司 Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Changsha Visa Application Centre: Name of Bank:中国工商银行长沙广厦支行 Bank Account Number:

1901 0072

2920 0344

657 Account Holder Name:湖南粤中旅移民签证顾问有限公司 Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Chengdu Visa Application Centre: Name of Bank:兴业银行成都人民南路支行 Bank Account Number:431260100100048582 Account Holder Name:成都中恒天信出入境服务有限公司 Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Wuhan Visa Application Centre: Name of Bank:华夏银行武汉武昌支行 Bank Account Number:11152000000490986 Account Holder Name:武汉市侨顿科技有限责任公司 Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Shenzhen Visa Application Centre: Name of Bank:中国银行 Bank Account Number:745866937687 Account Holder Name:深圳市新国出国签证服务有限公司 Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Jinan Visa Application Centre: Name of Bank:中信银行济南市泉城路支行 Bank Account Number:7372010182600244961 Account Holder Name:山东意汇实业有限公司 Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Fuzhou Visa Application Centre: Name of Bank:中国建设银行 Bank Account Number:35050161000700000503 Account Holder Name:福建神州因私出入境服务中心 Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Nanjing Visa Application Centre: Name of Bank:兴业银行南京河西支行 Bank Account Number:409520100100328094 Account Holder Name:南京泰斗商务咨询有限公司 Please remit your fees to the following bank account if you are submitting your application to the Kunming Visa Application Centre: Name of Bank: 中国银行昆明市盘龙支行 Bank Account Number:137244719694 Account Holder Name:云南华奕咨询有限公司
