编辑: hys520855 2017-10-11

31 The Gay Genius by Lin Yutang. John David

32 It'

s about Su Dongpo'

experiences and his works. John Charlie

33 I want to read it, too. David Me, too. Where can I get it? @John

34 John Charlie Thanks for telling us about the book.

35 After we finish it, we can make a date to communicate our ideas. John 太原新东方优能

1 对1部解析: 本题以三名同学在微信群中的聊天记录为形式进行考查,主要内容为推荐一本好书. 31. F 根据下句 The Gay Genius by Lin Yutang. 可知是在询问书的名字,所以选F. 32. B 根据下句 It'

s about Su Dongpo'

s experiences and his works. 可知是在询问书的内容,所以选B. 33. D 根据下句 I want to read it, too. 可知她认为这本书很有趣,也想要读它,所以选D. 34. G 根据上句 Where can I get it? 可知这一句应该回答的是买书的地点,所以选G. 35. A 根据上句 Thanks for telling us about the book. 可知这一........
