编辑: 喜太狼911 2016-12-05

45 领导技巧: Williams-Sonoma 的新处方 pg.

18 个人技巧: Carol Bartz的艰 难选择 pg.

100 运筹帷幄: 外国电视机制造 商在中国逐鹿 pg.

23 最佳行为/经验得失: 广泛使 用≠广受欢迎 pg.

86 技术展望: 百思买看好移动 宽带的未来 pg.

22 Leadership Skills: Williams-Sonoma'

s New Recipe pg.

18 When Laura J. Alber was named CEO of Williams-Sonoma in January 2010, she got some advice from the company'

s founder, Don'

t change it. Make it better. The housing slump and sagging consumer confidence have hammered the home goods industry. Williams-Sonoma, which includes Pottery Barn, Pottery Barn Kids, and West Elm, has seen sales fall for the past two years. Alber, who ran Pottery Barn during the housing boom, says her strategy for tougher times involves expanding West Elm and boosting online sales for the whole company. While a slump in home buying means less demand for most products, Alber is counting on consumers to renovate the homes they have. The Activity: Have the participants list

3 ways to make their organization better without changing its nature. How can leaders be guardians of the '


of an organization? What are the benefits of not changing the organization? Key Learning Points: ? The heart or culture of an organization comes from its people. ? Leaders are expected to be good stewards of the organization. ? The nature of the organization should help it to advance knowledge and capture value for consumers. This article describes how Ray Kroc fine-tuned a good idea and made it better http://www.businessweek.com/innovate/content/oct2009/id20091014_072850.htm 领导技巧: Williams-Sonoma的新处方 pg.

18 当Laura Alber在今年1月被任命为家居饰品零售商Williams Sonoma的CEO时,公司的 创办人告诫她: 不要改变什么,要让它好起来. 住房不景气以及消费者信心的低迷 都对家居饰品行业造成了巨大的冲击.覆巢之下难有完卵,在辉煌期拥有West Elm等 诸多品牌的Williams Sonoma也在过去两年中面临销售下滑的困境.经历过住房上升 期的Alber女士说,她度过难关的策略是对West Elm进行扩张,同时提升整个公司的网 上销售.然而家居消费的低迷意味着需求的减少,Alber女士希望通过消费者重新布置 家居来扭转乾坤. 小组讨论:让与会者列出三种不改变公司既有性质但能改良公司的措施.领导者如何 成为公司的主心骨?不改变公司的性质有哪些益处? 学习要点: ? 企业文化的核心来自它的员工;

? 领导者是人们期待中的公司主心骨;

? 一个公司的性质应该帮助它获得获取知识并为消费者创造价值. 下文讲述了Ray Kroc是如何把好主意发挥到极致水平的: http://www.businessweek.com/innovate/content/oct2009/id20091014_072850.htm 个人技巧: Carol Bartz的艰难选择 pg.

100 雅虎的CEO Carol Bartz解释说当她前往设计公司Autodesk任CEO时,她并不是互联网 产业出身,也不是计算机辅助设计(CAD)专业人员.当她来到雅虎时,她发现公司需要 一个强有力的领导者来重整公司的机构框架并鼓励创造性.她对雅虎的思考越是深入, 自己能担当的角色也就越多.她说自己一开始并没有完整的计划,直到进入角色计划才 逐渐成形.她说自己是个很好的倾听者,不怕做出任何决定,即便是错误的决定,用她 的话来说也 可以很快爬起来继续走 .她相信人可以从错误中成长,因为他们有了向前 迈出一步的意愿.她说 职业就像一座金字塔而不是一架梯子,经验就像是基座,基座 越是宽厚,金字塔的基础就越加坚固. 小组讨论:让与会者为他们愿意犯错误的意向打分,满分3分,1=不愿意,2=愿意,3= 非常愿意.怎样能让他们更加愿意承担风险?失败后很快爬起来继续走的重要性何在? 为什么失去帮助的经历能让金字塔的基础更为坚固? 学习要点: ? 为了能有创新,需要讨论那些不一定会取得成功的决定;
