编辑: 喜太狼911 2016-12-05
Executive Development Guide 欲知更多关于商业周刊EDGE相关信息,请联系Bwgroup@businessweek.

com. 行为学习 案例分析 外部专家 自我测评 Businessweek.com | EDGE Programs | Contact us Every sucessful business needs an EDGE 8月16-29日 本期文章: 财经纵横 领导技巧 个人技巧 运筹帷幄 经验得失 技术展望 本期文章: 财经纵横: 英国石油还需堵 上财政上的漏洞 pg.

45 领导技巧: Williams-Sonoma 的新处方 pg.

18 个人技巧: Carol Bartz的艰 难选择 pg.

100 运筹帷幄: 外国电视机制造 商在中国逐鹿 pg.

23 最佳行为/经验得失: 广泛使 用≠广受欢迎 pg.

86 技术展望: 百思买看好移动 宽带的未来 pg.

22 Financial/Business Acumen: BP Needs to Cap Its Financial Gusher, Too pg.

45 BP has managed to cap the well in the Gulf of Mexico, yet it still faces cleanup costs, damages, and fines that could climb up to $50 billion. These fees, on top of a $30 billion-plus overall debt load, could drive up the British oil company'

s borrowing and oil trading costs, and squeeze profitability. Although BP'

s Chairman recently said the company'

s liquidity is strong, it also outlined some possible financial risks that may put pressure on (its) liquidity. In the most recent quarter, BP posted a $17.15 billion loss from a $32.2 billion charge to cover cleanup costs and potential fines. The Activity: Ask the participants to list any threats to the liquidity of their organization. What are the disadvantages of having low liquidity? What could their organization do to increase its liquidity or reduce the threats? Key Learning Points: ? Liquidity is how quickly and cheaply assets can be converted into cash. ? Liquidity can be increased by reducing costs and generating cash. ? Future liquidity is based on assumptions about sales and costs. Read this article about how GM tried to increase liquidity http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/content/jul2008/db20080715_432978.htm 财经纵横: 英国石油还需堵上财政上的漏洞 pg.

45 英国石油公司已经堵上了墨西哥湾的油井,但事情远未就此了结,它还面临高达500 亿美元的清污费用、损失费和罚款,这笔费用加上300亿美元的债务将耗尽公司的借 款和石油贸易所得,并影响公司的利润水平.虽然该公司主席最近声明公司 仍有很 强的资金流动性 ,公司仍然里除了一系列可能对其资金流动性造成压力的财政风险. 在上个季度中,公司因为漏油支出了322亿美元而导致了171.5亿美元的亏损. 小组讨论:让与会者列出可能对本公司资金流动性造成威胁的风险.资金流动性低会 有何弊端?本公司可以如何增强资金流动性并降低相关风险? 学习要点: ? 资金流动性指的是资产能够多快,多省钱地变为现金;

? 资金流动性可以通过降低开支和增加现金来加以提升;

? 未来的资金流动性取决于销售和开支的预估. 阅读下文,了解通用汽车是如何提高清偿能力的. http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflash/content/jul2008/db20080715_432978.htm Executive Development Guide 欲知更多关于商业周刊EDGE相关信息,请联系Bwgroup@businessweek.com. 行为学习 案例分析 外部专家 自我测评 Businessweek.com | EDGE Programs | Contact us Every sucessful business needs an EDGE 8月16-29日 本期文章: 财经纵横 领导技巧 个人技巧 运筹帷幄 经验得失 技术展望 本期文章: 财经纵横: 英国石油还需堵 上财政上的漏洞 pg.
