编辑: 捷安特680 2015-03-25
嘉南药理科技大学 产业安全卫生与防灾研究所 Institute of Industrial Safety and Disaster Prevention Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science 硕士论文 Thesis for the Degree of Master 危害与可操作分析(HAZOP)与失误树分析(FTA) 应用於乙炔制程之研究 A Study of Hazard and Operability Studies and Fault Tree Analysis with Application to the process of an Acetylene plant 指导教授:许锦明 博士(Dr.

Jing-Ming Hsu) 研究生:杨礼彬(Lee-Bin Yang) 中华民国九十九年八月二十三日 23, August

2010 I 摘要电石乙炔制程在国内外气体业界曾发生多起火灾爆炸事故,造成人员 伤亡及设备不同程度之损伤.国内电石乙炔厂计有八家,为避免重蹈覆 辙,本研究利用危害与可操作分析(HAZOP)及失误树分析(FTA)风险 分析技术,以国内某乙炔厂之电石乙炔制程为分析对象,系统化地找出潜 在危害因子,并分析出其可能发生的原因与机?,提升电石乙炔厂设备运 转及人员操作上之安全性,并供紧急应变时救灾参考.鉴於台湾电石乙炔 厂事故统计数蛔,且制程设备与日本相近,因此本研究事故统计数 主要引用日本关东乙炔工业株式会社发行之 「溶解乙炔之安全」 , 针对

1946 年至

2002 年间日本溶解乙炔制造工厂发生之事故之统计数.失误树分 析(FTA)采用国内核能所开发之故障树分析套装软体 INERFT. 结果发现,HAZOP 分析后未发现有危害等级属

1 或2的潜在危害, 显示制程相关安全措施於设计之初均已详加考虑,危害控制建议改善计有 九项.FTA 结果显示:1.重要之失效组合为氮气喷熄火花故障与投入电石 撞及金属(5.240E-005) ;

2.人员未依安全作业标准程序定时测定纯度与洗 净器 W 故障无法净化(2.120E-005) .若於电石投入口镶入橡胶衬片,且 采耐撞击之材质可将投入电石撞及金属其发生频?可由 1.050E-001 降为 1.050E-002,计算改善后投入电石撞及与金属与氮气喷熄火花故障失误组 II 合,其发生失误率频率为 5.240E-006.另外,若能提高洗净器清洗频率或 减少洗净器排水管阻塞即可将洗净器 W 故障无法净化之发生频?由 1.060E-002 降为 1.060E-003,计算人员未依安全作业标准程序定时测定纯 度与洗净器 W 故障无法净化失误组合,其发生失误率频率为 2.120E-006. 综合上述改善结果,使之接近一般可接受之可靠?标准 1.0E-006 (次/?). 关键字 : 乙炔 , 电石乙炔 , 危害与可操作分析 (HAZOP) , 失误树分析 (FTA) III Abstract Acetylene is generated as a result of the chemical reaction between the calcium carbide and water. Acetylene plant is a plant in which acetylene is generated from calcium carbide and/or compressed into acetylene cylinders. Unfortunately, fire and explosion at acetylene gas processing factories are often reported. There are eight such plants in Taiwan. To avoid following the same old disastrous road, we used Hazard and Operability Study ( HAZOP) and Fault tree analysis (FTA) to systematically identify hazards and assessed its risks, and to improve its safety of process and operator safety of an acetylene plant which acetylene is generated from calcium carbide. The assessed results will be used as a reference for their emergency and response training. Since the data about the accidents in acetylene plant in Taiwan are insufficient for this FTA study, and the processing equipments of acetylene plant are similar to Japan, we used data which accidents happened from
