编辑: 山南水北 2015-01-16
Resource Plus 是我们近期发布的系列附加教学资源,旨在为剑桥国际 IGCSE 三门科学 课程(生物、化学和物理) 中的重要知识点和技能提供授课支持.

Resource Plus 涵盖哪些方面? Resource Plus 所提供的教学支持在广度上覆盖整个课程,在深度上照顾到各知识点.通过分析考试成绩和总结 剑桥教师的反馈,我们在每一门科学课程中锁定了十个主要知识领域,确定其在教与学的过程中可能存在难度. Resource Plus 围绕以下知识领域提供辅助材料和指导: 剑桥国际 IGCSE 生物 剑桥国际 IGCSE 化学 剑桥国际 IGCSE 物理 生物技术?苹果榨汁 碳酸饮料的蒸馏 确定半衰期的模型 细胞结构 置换法求经验式 对流 消化?肠道模型 制作尼龙 演示波动现象 疾病传播 天然聚合物:在酸和酶作用下发生 的淀粉水解 确定密度 影响发芽的环境因素 从火柴头中提取铁 金属棒中的热传导 从干豌豆中提取 DNA 鉴别未知化合物 C 和D制作电磁铁 食物检验 鉴别未知化合物 L 和M压力和内爆的罐头 心脏解剖 鉴别未知化合物 X 和Y导线的电阻 研究渗透作用 两份钴样本之间的可逆反应 速率时间关系线图 研究光合作用 氧化物的类型:酸碱反应 使用阴极射线示波器(CRO)展示 声波 转下页…… www.cambridgeinternational.org/resourceplus Resource Plus ? IGCSE 为注册商标 版权所有 ? UCLES

2017 年11 月 我如何获得 Resource Plus ?如需了解更多信息,请访问 www.cambridgeinternational.org/resourceplus 围绕各知识领域的往届真题精选,可用于课堂讲练 或留作家庭作业. Topic questions Unit

8 C Organic

1 These questions have been compiled from a number of past papers. Use them to formatively assess your learners understanding of this topic. The mark scheme appears at the end of the document. The topic questions have been taken from the following exam series. Question Year Series Paper number

4 2016 June

31 4

2016 June

32 4

2016 June

33 The structures of some organic compounds are shown.

4 C C P H H H H H H H H H H C C C C C H H H C Q H H H C H C H H H C R H H H C H S C H H H C T H H H C H H H C H H H C H O H C H H H C H H H C H O H C H H U Which two of these compounds are alcohols? Explain your answer. (i) (a) 2] Which two of these compounds are saturated hydrocarbons? (ii) 1] Methanol and ethanol are alcohols in the same homologous series. Complete the following sentence about a homologous series using words from the list. (b) elements compounds chemical alcohols physical mixtures functional [3] A homologous series is a family of similar with similar properties due to the same group. [Turn over ? UCLES

2016 Paper

3 Unit

8 C Organic

1 Ethene is an alkene. (c) Draw the structure of ethene showing all atoms and all bonds. (i) [1] Describe how aqueous bromine is used to show that ethene is an unsaturated compound. (ii) 2] Ethene is manufactured by cracking. State the conditions needed for cracking. (iii) 1] Complete the chemical equation for the cracking of hexadecane, C16H34 , to form propene and one other hydrocarbon. (iv) [1] C16H34 → C3H6 [Total: 11] ? UCLES

2016 Paper

3 Unit

8 C Organic

1 知识导图,直观展示课程内容以及不同知识点之间的关联. Resource Plus 能提供什么? Resource Plus 的内容由学科专家撰写,侧重于各知识领域的具体实验和实用技能. 每门课程的 Resource Plus 包含: 针对每一个知识领域的技能工具包,包括教案、安全指导和学生练习题卷. Version 2.0 Skills Pack Model to determine half-life Cambridge IGCSE? Physics
