编辑: JZS133 2013-02-11

5 中公教育学员专用资料 报名专线:400-6300-999 ②Students can understand the basic structure of imperative sentence. Ability aim: Students are able to recognize communication signals through listening. Emotional aim: Students can learn to respect others, and their awareness of being polite can also be cultivated. (3)Presentation ①Point to the blackboard, the window and the door in the classroom separately, and write these three words on the blackboard, then ask students to read after teacher. ② Let students understand the meanings and functions of the new sentences by means of teacher '

s description and body language. For example, teacher says to one student: I feel very hot. Lily, open the window, please. ③Guide the student to open the window, and express thanks to him or her. ④ Explain the function of the sentence for students, and make a new sentence to help students understand imperative sentence better. (Justification: Through those activities, students can learn the new words, and understand the function and basic structure of imperative sentence.) Practice ①Let students listen to the tape for the first time, and try to repeat it. After listening, ask the question: Does Peter help Miss Fang open the door? Students may answer: Yes, he helps Miss Fang open the door. ② Let students listen to the tape for the second time, and complete the sentences on the blackboard according to the tape material: a. ( ) the door, please. b. Look at the ( ), please. ...... ③Pair work: Ask students to role play the conversation with their deskmates, and invite one group to give a representation in front of the class. (Justification: Students can improve their listening and speaking ability, and they can consolidate the new words and sentences they learned today.) 29.【参考答案】 (1)歌曲特点 《洋娃娃和小熊跳舞》 是由姆卡楚尔宾娜作曲、 思渊洋改编的儿童歌曲, 该儿童歌曲共有两种版本, 分别是中文版和英文版.这是一首 2/4 拍,大调式,由四个乐句构成的一段体波兰儿童歌曲.歌曲以明 快舒畅的旋律,活泼跳跃的节奏,生动地表现了洋娃娃和小熊跳舞时憨厚、可爱的神情.歌曲四个乐句 运用了旋律重复变化的手法,结构方整,其中前十六的节奏贯穿全曲,节奏明快,舞蹈性很强,适合于 学员专用 请勿外泄

6 中公教育学员专用资料 报名专线:400-6300-999 边演边唱. (2)教学目标 【情感态度与价值观】 通过对歌曲的学习和理解,学生能够感受舞蹈欢快的情绪,并体验双人集体舞的快乐. 【过程与方法】 通过歌曲演唱、拓展表演等方式,学生能够增强自身协调性及演唱能力. 【知识与技能】 学生能够用欢快、活泼的声音演唱歌曲,并能分角色跟着音乐有表情的进行律动. (3)新课导入 1.教师创设谈话情景:同学们,今天老师收到从国外寄来的一封邀请信,小洋娃娃邀请我们班的小 朋友去参加她的 party,让我们排着整齐的队伍出发吧. (加律动排队走) 2.教师引导学生从音乐中走出来,思考问题:音乐停了,我们走了好远了,走的好累啊,我们休息 一会.同学们快看,前面有什么?我们去问问它们在干嘛?(前面有小熊,它们很可爱、胖嘟嘟的,在 等它们的好朋友) 3.教师顺势进入新课《洋娃娃和小熊跳舞》 . (同学们,它们这么可爱,想必它们的好朋友也非常的 活泼、可爱了,大家想不想认识一下小熊的好朋友呢?) 【设计意图】 好的导入是成功的一半,为了培养学生的兴趣、营造浓郁的音乐课堂氛围.上课伊始,给学生创设 情境,有一个国外的小洋娃娃邀请他们去参加 party,这个时候,带领学生加入律动整齐的排着队走.路 上会碰到一个好朋友,邀请它一起去参加 party,顺势引入新课《洋娃娃和小熊........
