编辑: 向日葵8AS 2019-07-07

s latest film, Carnage , was financed by Europeans, with American distribution added almost as an after-thought. Total sales of cinema tickets fell slightly in America last year. But they were up in Europe, and soared in Russia. Talky dramas are harder to export than cartoons or action flicks, which is partly why the major studios now concentrate on such things. But independent horror films sometimes travel well. 独立电影也越来越国际化.罗曼波兰斯基的最新电影《大屠杀》由欧洲电影公司投资,美国的发行商随后也加入进来,虽然有马后炮的嫌疑.去年美国的总体电影票房有轻微的下跌.但欧洲的却在上升,而俄罗斯的票房简直可以说飙升了.比起卡通片和动作片来说,以谈话为主的出口影片并没有那么卖座,部分原因可能是现在的几大制片公司都把注意力放在前者.不过独立制作的恐怖片的海外票房还不错 It is still a harsh business. No fewer than 3,812 full-length movies were submitted to the

2011 Sundance film festival. Yet only

550 films open in American cinemas each year, and most lose money. The business runs on hope. But there is, finally, enough money to keep the projectors running. 但是独立电影这一行也不好混.在2011年圣得西电影节中一共有3812部未删节版的电影参选.但每年只有550部电影能在美国电影院上映.独立电影前景不错.但是最终总要有足够的资金让这些放映机一直运作下去. ........
