编辑: 贾雷坪皮 2019-09-14

在工厂化生产中,接种工作量很大,需要经常长久地工作时,超净台是很理想的设备.超净台由三相电机作鼓风动力,功率145~260W左右,将空气通过由特制的微孔泡沫塑料片层叠合组成的 超级滤清器 后吹送出来,形成连续不断的无尘无菌的超净空气层流,即所谓 高效的特殊空气 ,它除去了大于0.3μm的尘埃、真菌和细菌孢子等等.超净空气的流速为24~30m/min,这已足够防止附近空气可能袭扰而引起的污染,这样的流速也不会妨碍采用酒精灯或本生灯对器械等的灼烧消毒.工作人员就在这样的无菌条件下操作,保持无菌材料在转移接种过程中不受污染.但是万一操作中途遇到停电,暴露在未过滤空气中的材料便难以幸免污染.这时应迅速结束工作,并在瓶上作出记号,内中的材料如处于增殖阶段,则以后不再用作增殖而转入生根培养.如为一般性生产材料,因极其丰富也可弃去.如处于生根过程,则可留待以后种植用. ??? Clean Bench has the advantage of easy to operate freely, more comfortable, efficient, preparation time is short, the boot can be operated for more than a very minute, basically ready to use. In factory production, inoculation heavy workload, the need for frequent long-term work, the Clean Bench is the ideal equipment. Clean Bench by the three-phase motor to make blast power, power

145 ~ 260W or so, will air through the porous foam by a specially composed piece cascading together a super filter after blowing out the formation of a continuous dust-free The ultra-clean air laminar flow bacteria, so-called high-performance special air , which removed more than 0.3μm dust, fungi and bacteria spores and so on. Ultra-clean air flow rate of

24 ~ 30m/min, which are adequate to prevent possible harassment in the vicinity of air pollution caused by such a flow will not impede the use of alcohol lamp or Bunsen burner burning disinfection of equipment and so on. And in this way the staff operated under sterile conditions to maintain sterile material in the course of the transfer of vaccination is not contaminated. But what if an electrical outage halfway operation, exposed to unfiltered air contaminated material will not be spared. Should provide a speedy end to work and make a mark on the bottle, which is in the materials, such as the proliferation phase, we will no longer be used as a proliferation and transferred to rooting culture. As for the general production of materials, due to the extremely rich can also be disposable. As in the rooting process, can be planted until later use. 超净工作台电源多采用三相四线制,其中有一零线,连通机器外壳,应接牢在地线上,另外三线都是相线,工作电压是380V.三线接入电路中有一定的顺序,如线头接错了,风机会反转,这时声音正常或稍不正常,超净台正面无风(可用酒精灯火焰观察动静,不宜久试),应及时切断电源,只要将其中任何两相的线头交换一下位置再接上,就可解决.三相线如只接入两相,或三相中有一相接触不良,则机器声音很不正常,应立即切断电源仔细检修,否则会烧毁电机.这些常识应在开始使用超净台时就向工作人员讲解清楚,免除不应造成的事故与损失. ??? Clean Bench power supply to use more three-phase four-wire system, of which

10 lines, connecting the machine casing should then firmly on the ground line, the other three lines are the phase, the working voltage is 380V. Third-line access to the circuit in a certain order, such as pick the wrong end of a thread, wind the opportunity to reverse, when the sound normal or slightly abnormal, Clean Bench front without wind (available alcohol lamp flame observation of static and dynamic, not long-trial), should be promptly cut off the power, as long as any of them as two-phase end of a thread to exchange position were followed, the will be over. Three-phase line, such as access only to two-phase or three-phase there is a similar connection is bad, then the machine sounds very normal, should be immediately cut off the power supply careful maintenance, otherwise they will burn motor. These common sense should be when they start using Clean Bench to explain clearly to staff, should not result in exemption from the accident and loss. 超净工作台进风口在背面或正面的下方,金属网罩内有一普通泡沫塑料片或无纺布,用以阻拦大颗粒尘埃,应常检查、拆洗,如发现泡沫塑料老化,要及时更换.除进风口以外,如有漏气孔隙,应当堵严,如贴胶布,塞棉花,贴胶水纸等.工作台正面的金属网罩内是超级滤清器,超级滤清器也可更换,如因使用年久,尘粒堵塞,风速减小,不能保证无菌操作时,则可换上新的. ??? Clean Bench at the back or front air inlet below the metal mesh cover within a normal foam piece or non-woven fabrics used to block large particles of dust, should be a routine check, unpick and wash, such as found in foam aging, must be promptly replaced. In addition to outside air inlet, where gas leakage pores, it should be blocked strict, such as patching, plug of cotton and paste glue paper. Table inside the front cover of the metal mesh filter is super, super filter may be replaced, as a result of the use of long years, dust jam, wind speed decreased, can not guarantee aseptic operation, can be replaced with new. ??? 超净台使用寿命的长短与空气的洁净程度有关.在温带地区超净台可在一般实验室使用,然而在热带或亚热带地区,由于大气中含有高量的花粉,或多粉尘的地区,超净台则宜放在较........
