编辑: 笨蛋爱傻瓜悦 2019-07-06

22 his arrival. It may not seem important to him when he comfortably stays at home, but knowing how to

23 a meal or book a room is necessary for the newcomer in a strange country. Without knowing the language, it is very difficult for the stranger to understand the people of the new country and their customs. Of course, in our small world it is often possible to find someone

24 understands our own, but this is only second-best for the traveler. To be sure, he can see places and things without the use of a language, but places and things

25 not the heart of any country. To get the greatest benefit from a trip to another country, it is how important for the visitor to have an understanding of the language. 21. A. travel B. order C. are D. who E. on 22. A. travel B. order C. are D. who E. on 23. A. travel B. order C. are D. who E. on 24. A. travel B. order C. are D. who E. on 25. A. travel B. order C. are D. who E. on 第五部分:英译汉(共4小题;

每小题5分,满分20分) 请把下列4句英文翻译成中文. 26. As is known to all, China is a developing country. 27. You needn'

t go there anymore. He already knows about it. 28. In the world, soccer or football is the most popular sport. 29. The more money I make, the happier I will be. 第六部分:写作(满分15分) 根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文. 30. Bad Manners in Public (1)列举人们在公共场所的不良现象. (2)对其中某一种现象陈述你的看法,并简单说明理由. Test

5 第一部分:交际用语 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. B 第二部分:阅读理解 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. C 15. B Passage

1 【参考译文】 把这个女孩带到孤儿院的工人对她知之甚少.那条他们发现她的街道多少年来就是她的家.没人知道她的父母姓甚名谁.他们很久以前就将她遗弃了.在孤儿院的时候,她跟那里其他的孩子一样学文识字.在孤儿院学习的时候,她还另有所获――要自立.21岁的时候她离开了孤儿院,找到了一份秘书的工作.到了1975年,当她仍做着一名普通秘书的时候,一件不同寻常的事情发生了.她参加了香港小姐选美大赛并夺得了桂冠.这是她人生的转折点.现在她的名字,张玛丽,已经家喻户晓.玛丽之所以参加选美大赛是因为她想证明,孤儿院里的女孩也可以有所成就.大赛的获胜给了她开启新生的机会.她先是进入影视界而后打进商界做了经理.在做经理的时候,她在作报告上遇到了麻烦. 我的英语不是很好. 她说.不过,幸运的是,她有男朋友(后来成了她的丈夫)帮助她. 玛丽在香港........
