编辑: ACcyL 2015-09-29

s lives, Daddy, I said with great determination. Just like you and the man in the blue suit. The

16 in that courtroom that day became a window into my future. I knew instantly that I would be an attorney who helped protect the innocent from injustice. The only issue remained these years was that I'

d have to wait

17 getting that opportunity. Again, I was only nine years old. So I filled my days with other ways to assist those in need. Beginning that year, I spent every Thanksgiving at the local soup kitchen cooking and serving those who couldn'


18 a Thanksgiving meal. As a student, I have also had the opportunity to help ESL children learn how to read and write properly and I'

ve spent many days volunteering at the local hospital where I help

19 . And, of course, as I wait for the fulfillment (实现)of my ultimate goal, my participation in Law Club continues to

20 me that this is the profession for me. I am exactly where I belong. The next chapter of my life is

21 , for I am finally bringing my nine-year-old vision to life. I have grown a lot since then, taking countless opportunities to help others while continuing to learn more about the

22 that I am so passionate about. And

23 all of it, my goal has remained steadfast. My undergraduate studies and post graduate work are the final steps I will take, helping me to finally

24 my childhood dream―the dream of finally being the one standing in a courtroom wearing the fancy

25 while saving lives. 11. A. bored B. encouraged C. puzzled D. delighted 12. A. shouting B. staring C. laughing D. pointing 13. A. imagination B. emotion C. attention D. passion 14. A. hardly B. gradually C. finally D. immediately 15. A. emphasized B. complained C. summarized D. explained 16. A. dialogue B. case C. event D. scene 17. A. before B. while C. when D. after 18. A. prepare B. offer C. afford D. provide 19. A. patients B. professors C. families D. workers 20. A. inform B. remind C........
