编辑: 木头飞艇 2015-09-02
A - a a 系.

linker.1) 联系名词组中修饰和被修饰的成分. linker between nouns. ráko ~ vahay 大房子. A big house. 2) ?连接连动式的动词组.linker between serial verbs. tomazestes ~ miparáko. 逐渐变大.Slowly becoming larger. 3) 连接名词组和修饰它的形容词子句. linker followed by relative clause. alibangbang ~ mavaheng so panid. 黑翅的飞鱼. Black-winged Flying Fish. 4)?连接形容词子句和被修饰之名词组. linker followed by noun. alilíkey o ya da nikna ~ among. 他们钓到的鱼都是小小的. All the fish that they caught were small. a 助. particle. nimágza si Apiasongaran ito a malalayo ~. 那个si Apiasongaran 跑得飞快. Si Apiasongaran runs extremely fast. abneka 参照: bnek. abneng 参照: bneng. abo 1)? 没有,无物. no, not;

there is not;

there is no, without, have not, is not, not have. ~ o mangay na seksekan. 他没有可嫁的人. She has no one to marry. ~ raraten na. 他没有罪. He is without sin. ~ rana o rala na. 他的血已流尽. All his blood has drained. 2)? 不在;

不存在.non-existent. ya ~ do vahay na. 他不在家里.He is not at home. abóo 没有,无,不在. not, no (emphatic). ya ~ do vahay da. 他不在家. He is not at home. ji abo 绝无,绝不. not, cannot, no, there is no, is not, never, no way, not have, there is not, there is no, without. ~ kai ko pa a. 我绝不会再来了. I will never come again. kabo 因而不在,因而没有. Because…, there is no. ya nimabo o nizpi na, na ~ rana no nizpi na. 他的钱掉了,所以他没有钱了. His money disappeared, and therefore he had no more money. aboaboaken 参照: boak. abóo 参照: abo. absoy 参照: bsoy. abtan 裤子. trousers, pants. aci 男孩,父母亲或父母辈之间对尚未结婚或已婚尚无子女的男子之称;

对女子则称vai. boy, single or married male child who has no children;

the female equivalent is vai. ya pa ji nimai si ~ ta. 孩子(男)尚未回来 Their male child has not come back. aci 乾,乾涸. dry. kacian 陆地,岸上. land. mawát ko pa mangakoinio do ~ ang. 啊哟,小鬼!我怎麽游得到岸边啊? Hey, brat! How am I supposed to swim back to shore (when it is so far away)? mángci 退潮. low tide (to have). ya ~ o wawa. 海水退潮了. The tide has gone out. acioy 食品礼物. food,gift. manioy 邀请吃饭. invite to eat. malalágen o pinmatao, ji ~ no makahap so panganpen? 先夫很迷信,每当他捕到狐狸时,都不分享给人 家. My late husband was very superstitious. He would never share the foxes he caught with others. adaday 参照: aday. adas 赶上,追上,跟上. catch up. kadasan 大便很急. urge for bowel movement caught up with person. ko ~. 我快要大便了. I'

m about to have a bowel movement. aday 都是,每次.all. 变体 variant: adey. adaday 全是,都是. all. ~ a ranom o azabab na. 他呕出来的都是水. All that he vomited was water. kadadáyan 每次. every time. ~ na so awawan am. 过了几年以后. After a few years. madaday 都是,全是. all. ~ a mavakes o anak na. 他的孩子全是女的. All his or her children are female. mangday 每次,总是. always. ko ~ so araraw a marios. 我每天都洗澡. I take a bath every day. mangdangday 每天每天. every day. ~ so araraw o kangay na manangdang do aemian ori. 他每年冬天,天天都坐在火边烤火取暖. Every winter, he would sit beside the fire daily for warmth. adoa 参照: dóa.. adon 层叠. pile up. mapadon 使堆叠, 堆叠. cause to heap, pile. o ito so ya ~ so ya todaji makamak a ango. 那里有人的背篮上面叠放了熟透的林投果. There is a person over there carrying a basket with a ripe pandanus. aemian 参照: amian. agag 取出,掏出. take out. somlet o lima na am, ji na rana ~. 他的手卡住后,就拔不出来了. After his hand got caught, he could not take it out. ~ o avoa do karay ori ta mamaen mo. 把网袋里的槟榔拿出来吃吧. Let us take the betel nut out from the bag and chew on it. agagen 拿出来,掏出来. take out, pull out. ~ mo o kalang do karay. 拿出网袋里的螃蟹. Take the crab out of the bag. miágag(to) 从洞里爬出来. come out, pull out. mamízing na no civet o iziziak na am, to ~ rana. civet蟹到他的声音,就从洞里慢慢的爬出来. When the civet crab heard his voice, it slowly crawled out of its hole. agagay 参照: gagay. agagen 参照: agag. agcin 参照: gcin. agcinan 参照: gcin. agnozen 参照: gnoz. agom 贪心,霸占,倾向. greedy, partial. paciagoman 偏袒,倾向,意属某个团体. favor. ~ ko sira do ilaod ito a. 下半部落是我个人比较倾向的团体. I like the people in the lower half of the village better. agza 很快. speedy, swift. nimágza 非常快. extremely fast. ~ si Apiasongaran ito a malalayo a. 那个si Apiasongaran 跑得飞快.Si Apiasongaran runs extremely fast. agza 下午饭. lunch. ngágza(ji) 吃下午饭. eat lunch. ya ji ~. 他不吃下午饭. He doesn'
