编辑: 丑伊 2013-06-02

5 在美国某乡镇,有一个由12个农夫组成的陪审团.在一次案件的审理中,陪审团中的11个人认定被告有罪,而另一个人则表示了不同看法,认为被告无罪.由于陪审团的判决只有在其所有成员一致通过的情况下才能通过,于是陪审团中的11个成员花了将近一天的时间劝说不同意才改变初衷.这时,忽然天空乌云密布,一场大雨马上就要来临,那11个农夫都急着要在大雨回去之前赶回去,收回晒在外面的干草.可是,持有不同意见的人仍然不为所动,那11个农夫却急得如热锅上的蚂蚁,立场开始动摇了.最后,随着 轰隆 一声雷鸣,这11个农夫再也等不下去了,转而,一致投票赞成另一个农夫的意见,宣判被告无罪. Personal Attractiveness Some ways that an individual can enhance his personal attractiveness to a target of influence or a negotiating opponent: (1) Friendliness (2) Ingratiation (3) Likeability (4) Helping the Other Party (5) Perceived Similarity (6) Emotion Authority The principle of authority is quite simple: People with authority have more influence than those without authority. 3.3 Aspects of Context That Foster Peripheral Influence Reciprocity This norm suggests that when you receive something from another person, you should respond in future with a favor in return. Commitment Once people have decided something, they can be remarkably persistent in their beliefs, this process has been labeled commitment to a position, and it relies heavily on the common need that people have to appear consistent, both to themselves and others. Social Proof The principle of social proof suggests that people look to others to determine the correct response in many situations, and often behave in certain ways because everyone else is doing so. Scarcity The principle of scarcity suggests that when that when things are less available, they will have more influence. Case

7 这是一件发生在比利时画廊中的事.有位美国商人看中了3幅标价为250的画,其他画的价格大致在100-150美元之间,美国商人想用450美元的价格买下那3幅画.这3幅画都出自名家手笔,画主是个印度人.美国人和印度人的谈判很快形成僵局,美国商人故意说这3幅画不值那个价,印度人看起来被惹火了,他顺手拿起手中的一幅画,怒气冲冲地跑出去,当众把那幅画烧了. 这一奇怪的动作让美国商人大吃一惊,心中对此画的被烧深为惋惜.美国商人故意绕了一圈,又回来问印度人剩下的2幅画卖多少价,印度人报出了每幅300美元的价格,美国商人一听 怎么反而提价了呢? 物以稀为贵嘛! 印度人说,美国人断然拒绝这个报价,印度人横下心来,又一次将其中一幅拿出去烧了.美国商人眼看印度人宁可烧光也不卖,实在急了,只好要求: 千万别再烧这最后一幅,价格可以谈! 那这最后1幅能与3幅画卖一样的价格吗? 印度人反问. 可以. 美国商人以600美元的价格买下这最后一幅画. Use of Reward and Punishment These resources can be used in at least two major ways. (1) negotiator can use exchange―the process of offering resources of favors to secure the other'

s compliance and cooperation. (2) negotiators attempt to use this power is through pressure―that is, by the threat of punishment. Pressure tactics produce, at best, short-term compliance with request, but they also are likely to elicit resistance from the other party. 4. The Role of Receivers―Targets of Influence Just as negotiators-as-message-senders can work to increase their credibility and attractiveness, receivers can signal the sender about the general acceptability and favorableness of the message being sent, and senders can monitor the receiver'
