编辑: 丑伊 2013-06-02
课程教案授课题目(教学章节或主题): CHAPTER

8 Influence 授课类型 理论课 授课时间 第 周星期 第节教学内容: Two Routes to Influence: An Organizing Model? The Central Routes to Influence: The Message and Its Delivery 3.

Peripheral Routes to Influence 4.The Role of Receivers―Targets of Influence 基本内容: 1. Two Routes to Influence The first route occurs consciously and involves integrating the message into the individual'

s previously existing cognitive structures. The second one to persuasion, the peripheral route, is characterized by subtle cues and context, with less cognitive processing of message. 2. The Central Routes to Influence: The Message and Its Delivery the content of the message the structure of the message The delivery style. 2.1 Message Content (1) Make the Offer Attractive to the Other Party Negotiators should emphasize the advantage the other party gains from accepting the proposal. The better negotiator understands the other'

s real needs and concerns, the more he can anticipate the other'

s objections and structure the presentation to counteract them. Case 1: 20世纪60年代,当时的利比亚王国举行租借石油产地的第二轮招标,有9个国家的40多个石油公司参与投标.与他们相比,美国西方石油公司势单力薄,被其他大公司看做是不自量力.但西方石油公司的董事长哈默却认为,招标中企业实力虽然是一个重要因素,可还有其它因素影响谈判的达成. 他对标书进行了精心策划:标书的材料选用穆斯林喜爱的上等羊皮,扎上象征利比亚国旗的红、绿、黑三色缎带,里面的正文特别许以三项优惠: 西方石油公司将在扣除税款前的毛利中提取5%供利比亚发展农业;


出油后与利比亚联合兴建制氨厂,使利比亚有充足的化肥和化工原料. 两个月后揭标,哈默一人独得两块租地,令各大公司目瞪口呆. (2) Frame the Message So the Other Party will Say Yes If you can get the other party to agree to something―almost anything―then you have laid the foundation for subsequent agreements. Case 2: 问:你认为取得利润最重要借助经营管理方法吗? 答:当然. 问:专家的建议是否也有助于取得利润呢? 答:那是没有疑问的. 问:过去我们的建议对你们有帮助吗? 答:有帮助. 问:考虑到目前市场的情况,技术改革是否有助于一些畅销产品的生产呢? 答:应该说是有利的. 问:如果把产品的最后一步加工再做得精细一点,是否有利于你们在市场上销售呢? 答:是的. 问:如果在适当的时间,以合理的价格销售较好质量的产品,你们是否会得到更多的订单? 答:会的. 问:在试用我们的技术以前,贵方还需要了解哪些情况? 答:不需要了. 问:我可以把你说的话向我们公司汇报了吗? 答:当然可以. (3) Make the Message Normative People are motivated to behave consistently with their values, that is, their religious, social, or ethical standards. The other person that by following a course of action, she will be acting in accordance both with her values and with some higher code of conduct. (4) Suggest an Agreement in Principle Principles sound good, and most people may agree with what they advocate, but there is usually great uncertainty about how a principle applies to a specific situation. 2.2 Message Structure (1) One-and Two-Sided Messages One side approach: many people deal with this problem by ignoring argument and opinions that might support the other party'
