编辑: 梦里红妆 2022-11-06
阿克苏诺贝尔(中国)投资有限公司 公司简介: 阿克苏诺贝尔提供人们日常必不可少的产品,助力创造更宜居更多元的生活.

作为一家全球领先的油漆和涂料企业,和专业化学品的主要生产商,我们为全球众多行业领域与广大消费者提供必需的原料、必要的防护、和必备的色彩.基于阿克苏诺贝尔勇于开拓的传统,我们创新的产品和可持续性技术旨在满足快速变化的全球市场不断增长的需求.阿克苏诺贝尔总部设于荷兰阿姆斯特丹,拥有约45,000?名员工,业务广布80多个国家/地区.我们旗下品牌阵容鼎盛,拥有多乐士(Dulux)、新劲(Sikkens)、国际(International)、Interpon和依卡(Eka)等著名品牌.我们一贯在可持续发展领域保持领先,并致力于打造充满活力的城市和社区,以我们的行动帮助人们提升生活品质,创造安全、多彩的世界. 阿克苏诺贝尔2017年校园招聘主要针对粉末涂料和装饰漆业务部门. 装饰漆 无论是专业的装潢人员还是热情高涨的DIY用户,他们都希望获得品质卓绝的油漆产品进行涂装.我们提供品类繁多的高品质产品,适用于各种环境和表面,包括油漆、透明漆和清漆.我们也为建筑业和重涂市场提供各种搅拌器、前沿色彩概念和系列培训课程.此外,我们用于金属、木器和其他关键建材的专业涂料也位居市场领先地位. 多乐士: 阿克苏诺贝尔公司旗下世界驰名的建筑装饰漆品牌之一,每年全球有千万家庭使用多乐士油漆,在全球26个国家开设了油漆生产厂,产品行销全球上百个国家.目前,多乐士品牌涵盖乳胶漆、木器漆、专业防腐漆和地坪漆等众多产品,充分满足不同层次的需求. 多乐士专业油漆: 阿克苏诺贝尔公司旗下面向工程渠道的知名建筑装饰漆品牌之一,提供各种专业涂料,包括内墙漆、外墙漆、高效能防腐漆,地坪漆等.其产品在中国已经被许多国内工程和广大家庭用户所广泛使用,例如:国家体育场(鸟巢)、水立方、上海陆家嘴金融中心、汤臣一品、仁恒房产、财富海景花园等. 来威: 阿克苏诺贝尔公司的战略品牌,创立于比利时,在欧洲行销多年,深受欧洲消费者的喜爱,被誉为品质卓越的涂料品牌.自1998年进入中国市场以来,来威以其优质的产品质量、齐全的配套产品,对健康环保的追求和努力,加上超前的服务理念,受到广大消费者的认可. 招聘信息: 职位名称 Technologist 工作地点 上海 工作描述 Plan, perform experimental work,interpret and report results under supervision. Prepare internal report and makepresentation to team. Maintain interaction with internal andexternal customers as well as counterparts at other locations. Provide full formulation andproduction, process requirements to enable product transfer to an identifiedNational Laboratory. Provide full application info to CTSand unit technical teams to enable successful application aftercommercialization. Ensure compliance with CompanyDirectives and Policies in respect of Health, Safety & Environment (HSE)and of Quality. Ensure adequate protection of IPR byPatent application or by way of Trade Secret. 职位要求 Master with a minimum qualification ofchemistry graduate from a reputed institute. Proficient in MS Word, Excel,PowerPoint. Good command of both spoken and writtenEnglish and Mandarin. Demonstrate innovative and creativethinking. Strong interpersonal and communicationskill. Quick learning on testing procedures tofollow technical project independently as early as possible. Capability to find solutions/ resourcesto the problems in a scientific way during project implementation. ? 职位名称 Sales Trainee 工作地点 上海?南京南昌?杭州苏州济南合肥北京天津太原成都武汉西安广州深圳长沙 工作描述 Deliver the sales targets of theassigned scope (business, channel, area, distributor) set by line manager. Understand customer needs and executeappropriate market approaches, including new product, promotion, service etc. Look for potential qualified businesspartners to penetrate or protect existing or new business in local market. Build good interpersonal relationshipwith distributors through daily market visit. Provide basic training on product andsales skill to distributors. Care about complaints and work with CCCand other related Dept. on quick actions or feedback to improve customersatisfaction. Collect payment to reduce overdue toeliminate financial risk. Collect and provide market intelligenceto company for better understanding market, competitors and customerrequirements. 职位要求 College or university degree or abovein sales and marketing or relevant preferable. Good inter-personal skill and willingto communicate with different people. Willing to travel. Willing to work under pressure andindependently. Strong self-studies ability. Fluent Mandarin, basic written English,spoken English a preference. Passion to develop careers with AkzoNobel. 网申地址 http://campus.51job.com/akzonobel/info.htm 网申截止时间 2016年11月25日 如果你在网上申请或面试过程中产生任何疑问,可以通过以下方式联系我们,我们将尽快回复. ? 1.?阿克苏诺贝尔招聘微信公众号后台留言: ? 2.?应届生BBS: http://bbs.yingjiesheng.com/forum-520-1.html ? 联系方式: 联系人:刘传佩

电话:025-86558812 邮编:200040


网址:http://campus.51job.com/akzonobel/info.htm 地址:上海市静安区南京西路1788号22楼
