编辑: 静看花开花落 2019-07-14
Genetics Newer model organisms in genetics include the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans, the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, and the zebra?sh, Danio rerio.


0 Introduction to Genetics Study Outline: §The definition、research contents and task of genetics(遗传学的定义、研究内容和任务)§Foundation and development of genetics(遗传学的产生与发展)§ Branches of genetics(遗传学研究的领域及分支)§Application of genetics(遗传学的应用)§Genetics and Nobel prize(遗传学与诺贝尔奖 )

1 遗传学的定义、研究内容和任务 Genetics(遗传学): the science of heredity, is at its core the study of biological information. All living organisms: from single-celled bacteria and protozoa to multicellular plants and animals―must store, replicate, transmit to the next generation, and use vast quantities of information to develop, reproduce, and survive in their environments.Genetics: From Genes to Genomes, 4e, Leland Hartwell Research contents of genetics(遗传学研究内容) (1) Genetics is the study of biologically inherited traits, including traits that are influenced in part by the environment. (2) Genetics is the study of genetic information and gene expression. (3) Genetics is the study and understanding of gene.

1 遗传学的定义、研究内容和任务 Heredity and variation(遗传与变异) heredity and variation are the two most common basic characteristics of biology.Heredity:Inheritance is identity and/or similarity between parents and offspring. variation:Variation is not identity between parents and offspring.

1 遗传学的定义、研究内容和任务 基因的结构 replication (DNA的复制)gene expression(基因表达)regulation (表达调控) 基因纵向转递 transformation(转化) 基因横向转递 transduction(转导)transfection(转染)conjugation(接合) 无性繁殖 transgene(转基因) Inheretance: keeping the species stable(遗传:保持物种稳定)

1 遗传学的定义、研究内容和任务 Variation : Species evolution(变异:物种进化) Recombination (基因重组)染色体间- 减数分裂中染色体的自由组合 染色体内- Rearrangements (染色体的重排)转基因-体外重组 Mutation(突变)基因突变 Aberration(染色体畸变) sexual propagation(有性繁殖)

1 遗传学的定义、研究内容和任务 Down syndrome 唐氏综合征 unaffected sister Down syndrome They are sisters 遗传与变异是矛盾对立统一的两个方面遗传是相对的、保守的;


没有变异生物界就失去了进化的源泉,遗传就成了简单的重复没有遗传,变异就无法积累,变异就失去了意义,生物也就无法进化和发展 .

1 遗传学的定义、研究内容和任务 Heredity 、variation and selection 遗传、变异和选择是生物进化和品种选育的三大因素生物进化就是环境条件(选择条件)对生物变异进行自然选择,在自然选择中得以保存的变异传递给子代(遗传),变异逐代积累导致物种演变,产生新物种动、植物和微生物新品种选育(育种)实际上是一种人工进化过程,只是以选择强度更大的人工选择代替了自然选择,其选择的条件是育种者的要求.

1 遗传学的定义、研究内容和任务 Heredity 、variation and environment 生物所表现的变异分可遗传(Heritable)的变异和不可遗传(Inheritable)的变异多数环境引起的变异(获得性状)属于不可遗传的变异某些环境引起基因突变、染色体变异等,从而产生可遗传的变异 环境的改变可以引起性状的改变(变异) 橘逾淮而北为枳 . 考察生物遗传与变异应该在给定环境条件下进行
