编辑: 捷安特680 2018-11-28
Dionysus 狄俄尼索斯Dionysus与罗马人信奉的班克斯Bacchus是同一位神o,他是古代希腊人信奉的葡萄酒之神,他不仅握有葡萄酒醉人的力量,还以布施欢乐与慈爱在当时成为极有感召力的神,他推动了古代社会的文明并确立了法则,维护着世界的和平.

此外,他还护佑着希腊的农业与戏剧文化.在奥林匹亚圣山的传说中他是宙斯与赛墨勒之子. Dionysus/Bacchus was the son of Jupiter and Semele. As is known to all, Semele was burned to ashes through Hera's cunning trap and Hermes arrived just in time to take from within her the baby Bacchus. His birth His childhood Zeus took the infant Bacchus and gave him in charge to the nymphs of Mount Nysa, who nourished his infancy and childhood, and for their care were rewarded by Jupiter by being placed, as the Hyades, among the stars. It was on Mount Nysa that Dionysus invented wine, for which he is chiefly celebrated. (金牛座中的)毕宿星团 Hardship When he grew to manhood, Hera recognized him as Zeus's son, despite the effeminacy to which his education had reduced him, and drove him mad. He went wandering all over the world. In Phrygia the goddess Rhea cured him and taught him her religious rites, and he set out on a progress through Asia, teaching the people the cultivation of the wine. 柔弱、女人气 His worship Returning in triumph in Asia, he undertook to introduce his worship into Greece, but was opposed by some princes, who dreaded its introduction on account of the disorders and madness it brought with it. 成功、胜利、凯旋 因为、由于 As he approached his native city Thebes, Pentheus the king, who had no respect for the new worship, forbade its rites to be performed. But when it was known that Bacchus was advancing, men and women,but chiefly the latter, young and old, poured forth to meet him and to join his triumphal march. It was in vain Pentheus remonstrated,commanded and threatened. "Go," said he to his attendants, "seize this vagabond leader of the and bring him to me. I will soon make him confess his false claim of heavenly parentage and renounce his counterfeit worship." It was in vain his nearest friends and wisest counselors remonstrated and begged him not to oppose the god. Their remonstrance only made him more violent. 表示异议、抗议 断绝关系、放弃 But now the attendants returned whom he had dispatched to seize Bacchus. They had been driven away by the Bacchanals, but had succeeded in taking one of them prisoner, whom,with his hands tied behind him, they brought before the king. Pentheus, beholding him with wrathful countenance, said, "Fellow! you shall speedily be put to death, that your fate may be a warning to others;

but though I grudge the delay of your punishment, speak, tell us who you are, and what are these new rites you celebrate." 不愿意、吝惜 It happened as I was sailing for Delos we touched at the island of Dia and went ashore. Next morning I sent the men for fresh water, and myself mounted the hill to observe the wind, when my men returned bringing with them a prize, as they thought, a boy of delicate appearance, whom they had found asleep. They judged he was a noble youth, perhaps a king's son, and they might get a liberal ransom for him. Story 赎金 Bacchus(for it was indeed he), as if shaking off his drowsiness, exclaimed, 'What are you doing with me? What is this fighting about? Who brought me here? Where are you going to carry me?' One of them replied, 'Fear nothing;

tell us where you wish to go and we will take you there.' 'Naxos is my home,' said Bacchus;
