编辑: 牛牛小龙人 2019-09-25
3 Cha Barrier Free Access 无障碍设计

44 45

46 3.

1 3.2 3.2 Dropped kerb for pedestrian crossings 行人路的下斜路缘 Dropped Kerb Pedestrian Crossing Dropped Kerb Dropped Kerb Dropped Kerb Barrier-Free Access Barrier-Free Access 无障碍设计

3 ? It is recommended that dropped kerbs and kerb ramps shall be ramped at a gradient not steeper than

1 : 8, ideally

1 : 12. ? It is recommended that dropped kerbs shall be provided with a minimum length of 1200mm and a minimum width of 1300mm. ? It is recommended that a clear space of 1500mm x 1500mm for landing shall be provided behind the dropped kerbs. ? It is recommended that the surface of dropped kerbs shall be slip-resistant and be installed with tactile warning strips. ? ? ??对於下斜路缘石及连接下斜路缘石的路? ? ? 缘坡度,建议斜度不应深过1比8,最理? ? ? 想斜度为1比12.? ? ??建议下斜路缘石的长度至少应有1200毫? ? ? 米,阔度至少应有1300毫米. ? ? 建议在下斜路缘石后,提供1500毫米? ? ? x1500毫米的净空间,方便上落. ? ??建议下斜路缘石表面应防滑,并装设有? ? ? 警告条纹的引路砖. 3.1?引言 正如通用设计金字塔显示,长者和残障人士 对畅达设计有更高的要求.在香港,这组别 的人士正不断增加,香港的人口由於出生率 下降和寿命延长而持续老化.根臣 处的报告,长者的受养比率从1991年的 124增至2001年的154.统计处也预计65岁 和以上的人口比例将从2003年的12%增至 2033年的27%.此外,统计处於2000年的统 计研究指出,残障人口占香港总人口的5%, 包括103,500位身体残障人士、73,900位视障 人士、69,700位觉障碍人士及18,500语言 障碍人士.因此我们应为长者和残障人士而 注重提高建筑环境的畅达性. 香港特区政府已为无障碍设计提供法定的指 引文件,包括自1996年起实施的《残疾歧视 条例》、《安老院条例》和《设计手册:畅 通无阻的通道1997》.本章将在这些法定文 件的基础,介绍住宅建设中的无障碍设计. 3.2??无障碍室外场所和通道 3.2.1??室外下斜路缘石 ? ? ??建议在行人过路处、行人路末端及楼宇 ? ? 入口的适当地方设置下斜路缘石. 3.1 INTRODUCTION As shown in the Universal Design Pyramid, the elderly and people with disabilities have higher requirements for accessibility. This group of people are increasing in Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, the population is aging due to declining fertility and longer life expectancy. According to the report of the Census and Statistics Department [C&

S], the elderly dependency ratio has increased from

124 in

1991 to

154 in 2001. C&

S also projected that the proportion of those aged

65 and above will rise from 12% in

2003 to 27% in 2033. Furthermore, the disabled population represents 5% of the total population of Hong Kong, according to C&


study in 2000. It includes 103,500 persons with physical handicap, 73,900 persons with visual impairments, 69,700 persons with hearing impairments and 18,500 persons with speech impairments. Therefore, more attention shall be paid to increase accessibility for the elderly and people with disabilities throughout the built environment. The Hong Kong Government has provided statutory documents to guide barrier-free design. They include the Disability Discrimination Ordinance, implemented since 1996, the Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Ordinance and the Design Manual - Barrier Free Access 1997. Based on these statutory documents, this chapter will introduce good practice for residential developments. 3.2 EXTERNAL AREAS AND PATHS FOR BARRIER-FREE ACCESS 3.2.1 Dropped Kerbs in External Areas ? It is recommended that dropped kerbs shall be provided at pedestrian crossings, at each end of footpaths and at building entrances, where appropriate. A dropped kerb for a path 通道下斜路线 A dropped kerb at the corner of pavement 行人路角位的下斜路线? A dropped kerb with hazard warning tactile surface 有凹凸警告条纹的下斜路缘 1:8 max 1:8 m ax 1:8 max 1:8 max 1:8 max

1 :

8 m a x

47 48 3.2 3.2 Barrier-Free Access

3 Barrier-Free Access 无障碍设计 ? It is recommended that shading / cover shall be provided to accessible paths and seating areas. ? It is recommended that an overhead clearance of 2m shall be maintained under tree limbs, signs and lights, over full width of accessible paths. ? Where drainage channel intersects accessible paths, it is recommended that gratings shall be provided. Channel grating slots shall not be parallel to the direction of major traffic. Openings in gratings shall be small enough to avoid trapping of crutches or wheels. ? In order to assist people in wheelchairs, it is recommended that loose gravel and sand shall not be used as the surface to accessible paths. ? Ideally, tactile warning tiles or surfaces shall be provided on the pavements around signposts, streetlights, trees, mailboxes, and other street furniture. ??? 建议沿无障碍通道的树枝、指示牌和路? ? 灯下的净空高度应有2米. ??? 排水渠与无障碍通道交界的地方应设置? ? 格栅.建议渠道格栅的狭槽不应与主要? ? 交通方向平行,格栅的开口应尽量细 ? 小,以免拐仗或轮椅的轮子陷入. ??? 为协助轮椅人士,建议无障碍通道的表? ? 面不应铺盖散的砾石和砂粒. ??? 在行人路上有指示牌、街灯、树木、邮? ? 箱和其他街道设施的位置,最理想应铺? ? 设有凹凸纹的危险警告引路砖??. 3.2.2 Paths in External Areas ? In order to facilitate access by people in wheelchairs, it is recommended that the width of accessible paths shall be not less than 900mm and ideally 1500mm. If a path is less than 1500mm in width, it is preferable that a space of at least 1500mm x 1500mm shall be provided every 10m to accommodate the passing and the turning of wheelchairs. ? It is recommended that a tactile guide path shall be provided to one side of an accessible path. ? It is recommended that angles at intersections of accessible paths shall be splayed or rounded. ? In order to assist people with visually impairments, it is recommended that corners and edges of paths shall be clearly marked by using colour, brightness, textures or upstand edge. ? It is recommended that the surface of accessible paths shall be slip-resistant. Regular maintenance shall be provided. ? It is recommended that plants or planters beside an accessible path shall be located between 450mm and 600mm away from a tactile guide path. ? Paths should be as levelled as possible. It is recommended that the slope for an accessible path shall not exceed 1:12, and ideally not steeper than 1:25, especially for longer distances. ? It is recommended that lighting and seating shall be provided along accessible paths. 3.2.2??室外通道 ? ? ??为方便轮椅的人士,建议通道的净宽不? ? ? 应少於900毫米,最理想宽度为1500毫??米.如宽度少於1500毫米,最好在每 ? ? 10米处提供面积至少1500毫米?x?1500毫??米的空间,以容纳轮椅通过和回转. ??建议在无障碍通道的一边提供凹凸纹引 ? ? 路径. ??为协助视障人士,建议通道边缘位应以 ? ? 颜色、光度、质感和竖柱边显示. ? ??建议无障碍通道的表面应该防滑,并应 ? ? 定期维修保养. ? ??建议无障碍通道旁的植物或花槽,应离 ? ? 开引路径450至600毫米. ? ??通道应尽量平坦,建议无障碍通道的斜度 ? ? 不应超越1比12,最理想斜度应少於1比??25,尤其是较长的通道. ? ??建议在无障碍通道沿途设置街灯和坐椅. ??? 建议在无障碍通道和其沿途座位设置绿? ? 荫或雨棚. The openings for the gratings are not small enough and are also in the direction of major traffic 渠道格栅开过大且与主要行走方向平行 Overhead clearance for an accessible path 方便易达通道的净空高度

2000 450-600 mim Manoeuvring space along path 通道旁的轮椅操作空间?? Guide path on one side of an accessible path 在方便易达通道旁的指引通道 Manoeuvring Space

10000 1500 Preferred opening size of channel grating slots 渠道格栅的推荐开口尺寸

49 50 ? Allocation of accessible parking space recommended as follows: Note: For residential buildings particularly intended for the elderly and people with disabilities, it is recommended that the number of accessible parking bays shall be greater than the above allocations. 3.3 Position tiles in front of a signboard 指示牌前的方位引路砖瓦 A drop-off bay close to the entrance of a residential building 住宅建筑物入口的落客处 3.2 Total No. of Car Parking Spaces Required No. of Accessible Parking Space 1-50

1 5-150

2 151-250

3 251-350

4 351-450

5 Above

450 6 ? 无障碍停车位数目的比例建议如下: 注:?为长者和残障人士而设的住宅楼宇,建议无障碍停车 位的数目应多於以上的配额.? 停车场车位总数 应设无障碍停车位数目 1-50

1 5-150

2 151-250

3 251-350

4 351-450

5 450 以上

6 Barrier-Free Access

3 Barrier-Free Access 无障碍设计 3.2.3 Tactile Surface in External Areas ? To facilitate use by people with visual impairments, it is recommended that a tactile surface shall be provided to pavements, dropped kerbs and paths giving access to buildings. Ideally, tactile surface shall also be provided in communal areas of residential buildings. ? It is recommended that hazard warning tiles shall be provided on dropped kerbs, platform edges of walking surfaces, in front of push-out doors and lift doors. ? It is recommended that positional tiles shall be provided where there is a change in walking direction. ? It is recommended that hazard warning tiles and positional tiles shall be provided to indicate locations to stop for action, such as pedestrian crossings, lift call buttons, emergency call buttons and signboards. ? It is recommended that hazard warning tiles shall be provided to indicate level changes. ? It is recommended that hazard warning tiles shall be provided at the position where caution is required, such as swing-out doors and street crossings. 3.2.4 Lighting in External Areas ? It is recommended that the illumination of external areas shall be not less than 50-75 lux. Ideally, it shall be 75-120 lux. 3.2.3??室外引路径 ? ??为方便视障人士使用,行人路、下斜路? ? ? 缘石及楼宇进出通道应设有引路径,最? ? ? 好也在住宅建筑内的共用地方设置. ??建议在下斜路绿石、行人平台边、推门? ? ? 及升降机前设置危险警告引路砖. ? ??建议在改变步行方向的位置铺设方位引? ? ? 路砖. ??建议铺设危险警告和方位引路砖,显示? ? ? 应停下来的位置,例如在行人过路处、? ? ? 升降机呼叫按钮、紧急事故按钮及指示 ? ? 牌的位置. ??建议应铺设危险警告引路砖,显示地面? ? ? 标高的改变. ? ??建议在需要提防的位置应设有危险警告引 ? ? 路砖,例如门开启方向和街道过路处. 3.2.4??室外照明 ? ? ??建议室外光线至少要有50-75勒克斯,最? ? ? 好有75-120勒克斯. 3.3 CAR PARKS FOR BARRIER-FREE ACCESS 3.3.1 Drop-Off Bays / Pick-Up Bays ? It is recommended that drop-off / pick-up bays shall be provided near building entrances close to the main circulation areas or lift lobbies. 3.3.2 Parking in Car Parks ? It is recommended that accessible parking bays shall be provided, close to accessible entrances. The locations of accessible parking bays shall be clearly signed or indicated at the entrance of a car park. Bays and transfer zones shall be marked in yellow for easy identification. 3.3??无障碍停车设施 3.3.1??落客处/上客处 ? ? ? 建议落客/上客处应靠近紧连主要的室内? ? ? 交通通道或升降机大堂的楼宇入口. 3.3.2?停车场泊车设施 ? ? ??建议在无障碍入口附近设置停车位,并? ? ? 於停车场入口清楚标示无障碍停车位的? ? ? 位置.停车位和轮椅通道应用黄色圈 ? ? 画,容易识别.

51 52 3.3 Transfer zones for accessible parking bays 方便易达停车位的转移................
