编辑: You—灰機 2019-07-17

1959 to search for radio signals from intelligent life in space. W: So presumably you believe that there is intelligent life in space. M: No, I wouldn蒺t say I believe that. But there may be intelligent life out there. It蒺s certainly possible. The universe is so vast. Our sun is just one star among billions and it蒺s a fact that many stars have their own planets orbiting around them. W: Really, I didn蒺t know that. M: No, we蒺ve only recently discovered that. W: So why are you searching for radio signals? M: Because the distances in space are so great. It蒺s unlikely that other life forms will ever visit us. If they exist, we蒺re more likely to know from their radio signals. W: So, you don蒺t believe all those stories about aliens visiting our planet? M: I蒺m afraid I don蒺t. There蒺s just no real evidence. But that doesn蒺t mean there isn蒺t other life in the universe. W: If there IS life, what might it be like? M: Oh, it蒺s hard to say. It might not have a form that we recognize. For example, on a planet where gravity is very strong, all life forms could be the size of microbes. W: Oh, really, fascinating. M: Even if we can蒺t find life on distant stars, we might find simple forms of life in our own solar system. For example, we think there蒺s ice on Mars. ........
