编辑: You—灰機 2019-07-15
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2019 考研英语二答案解析 英语二完形答案:

1 C However

2 D helps

3 A solely

4 A lowering

5 C reach

6 A depiction

7 D due to

8 C immediate

9 B reasons

10 D instead

11 A track

12 C account for

13 B adjust

14 D results

15 B hungry

16 C sign

17 B decision

18 D disappointing

19 A because

20 D obsessing 阅读理解: Part A: Text

1 21. D. foster a child'

s moral development 22. C. burdensome 23. A. an emotion can play opposing roles 24. C. can result from either sympathy or guilt 25. A. wrongdoings Text

2 26. A. forests may become a potential threat 27. A. lower their present carbon-absorbing capacity 28. C. reduce the density of some of its forests 29. B. To handle the areas in serious danger first. 30. D. supportive Text

3 31. C. Flaws in U. S immigration rules for farm workers 32. D. the aging of immigrant farm workers 33. B. To get native U.S. workers back to farming. 新东方网考研频道 http://kaoyan.xdf.cn/ 新东方网考研频道 http://kaoyan..xdf.cn/ 34. A. slow granting procedures 35. B. Import Food or Labor? Text

4 B. urge consumers to cut the use of plastics B. prevent us from making further efforts D. we should press our government to lead the combat D.a top-down process C. are far from sufficient Part B 41. D. remarks that significant moves may pose challenges to children. 42. G. thinks that children should be given a sense of involvement in homebuying decisions. 43. F. advises that home purchases should not be based only on children'

s opinions. 44. C. assumes that many children'

s views on real estate are influenced by the media 45. B. believes that homebuying decisions should be based on children'

s needs rather than their opinions. 翻译: 我们很容易低估英国作家吉米.哈利.他的写作风格如此令人愉悦,又具有可读性,以至于有人认为这种写作风格人 人都可以模仿.我曾经多次听到人们说 我可以写一本书,我只是没有时间. 说起来容易,但是做起来难.与人们 普遍的观点不同, 正如吉米.哈利所言, 他早年 尝试写作 发现写作并非易事. 显而易见, 尽管他非常具有写作天赋, 但是最终经过润色呈现给这个世界的作品是他多年来练习、重写和阅读的结果.与大多数的作家一样,他不得不经 历多次的失望. 评分标准 第四档(13-15 分): 很好地完成了试题规定的任务.理解准确无误;


没有错译、漏译. 第三档(9-12 分): 基本完成了试题规定的任务.理解基本准确;


没有重大错译、漏译. 第二档(5-8 分):未能按照要求完成试题规定的任务.理解原文不够准确;


有明显错译、漏译. 第一档(0-4 分):未完成试题规定的任务.不能理解原文;


文字支离破碎. 写作: Part A Dear Professor Smith, I am terribly honored and deeply appreciated for you to give me this opportunity to be the planner of this debate. The topic of the debate is suggested as solution to city traffic jam: broadening the road or restricting the vehicles? since it is mostly referred to when it comes to the theme of city traffic. The detailed arrangements of the debate are listed as follows. To begin with, the debate is to be held on December

26 in the auditorium of our university, which is due to start from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Additionally, the participants are supposed to be divided into two groups, with one supporting broadening the road and the other one in favor of restricting 新东方网考研频道 http://kaoyan.xdf.cn/ 新东方网考研频道 http://kaoyan..xdf.cn/ the vehicles. Each group consists of four participants and the order of the debating is decided by the discussion within the group. Finally, there will be three round of competition and the group which wins the highest vote from the audience will be the champion. If you have any further question concerning the debate, please feel free to contact with me. I would be much grateful for your ideas. Looking forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Li Ming Part B The bar chart presents the statistics concerning the choice of graduates between
