编辑: 黑豆奇酷 2019-07-10

re going to get. Feifei: 人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远也不知道下一个吃到的是什么味道. Finn: Yes, that line was spoken by Tom Hanks in the film Forrest Gump. Feifei: 这句话是每个喜欢电影《阿甘正传》的人都能背出的片中扮演阿甘的汤姆.汉克斯说的一 句话.一盒巧克力里会有很多不同味道但外表看起来差不多的巧克力,只有在你咬上去 的那一瞬间才知道它的味道到底是什么.他也正是借此比喻生命中就是充满了这么多的 想不到,不确定,其中的酸甜苦辣,只有自己尝了,才知道其滋味. Page

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5 Insert Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'

re going to get. Finn: OK, number four. Insert May the force be with you. Feifei: 愿念力与你同在. Finn: Yes, may the force be with you is spoken by various characters in the Star Wars films. Feifei: 星球大战 Star Wars. Finn: Yes, and here they'

re talking about a special power that exists in the Star Wars world called force. Now you can use it kind of jokingly, to wish someone good luck. Insert May the force be with you. Finn: Now, number three. Insert Beam me up, Scotty. Feifei: 另一个 science-fiction 电影《星际旅行》 Star Trek 里面的一句台词.这句台词来自 影片里 Captain Kirk 给他同行的宇宙旅行者 Scotty 的一个命令.他让 Scotty beam him up, 意思就是用电波把他从地球传送回到宇宙飞船中. Beam me up, Scotty 把我传送回去,思科提. Finn: Yes, beam me up Feifei. It'

s interesting that many of these lines seem to come from action and science-fiction films. Insert Beam me up, Scotty. Finn: Now, number two, though, this is from an epic romance. Page

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5 Insert Frankly, my dear, I don'

t give a damn. Feifei: 这句话听起来是不是更熟悉呢?对了,这是来自

1939 年壮烈的罗曼史 epic romance 电影《乱世佳人》 Gone with the Wind. 这句话来自于克拉克・盖博饰演的白瑞德 Rhett Butler 在影片结束时对费雯丽饰演的斯佳丽 Scarlet O'

Hara 所说的一句经典对 白. Finn: He says it as he'

s leaving and Scarlet wonders what she will do if he leaves. Feifei: 他的回答是 坦率地说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎 .短语 give a damn 不在乎在当 时30 年代听起来非常粗鲁,直到今天听起来也不是很礼貌,所以也是它被世人铭记的一 个原因. Insert Frankly, my dear, I don'

t give a damn. Finn: Now, time for number one. It'

s nice and short. Insert I'

ll be back. I'

ll be back. I'

ll be back. I'

ll be back. Feifei: I'

ll be back. 我会回来的. Finn: I'

ll be back. Spoken by our favourite Austrian actor and muscle-man Arnold Schwarzenegger. How do you say his name in Chinese again........
