编辑: 黑豆奇酷 2019-07-10
BBC Learning English C Q &

A of the Week About this script Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast.

In the recording and editing process changes may have been made which may not be reflected here. 关于台词的备注: 请注意这不是广播节目的逐字稿件.本文稿可能没有体现录制、编辑过程中对节目做 出的改变. Film Quotes 电影经典对白 Feifei: 欢迎收听《你问我答》,我是冯菲菲. Finn: And I'

m Finn. In this programme we answer people'

s questions about the English language. Feifei: 在揭晓我们今天要回答的问题之前,请先听听下面这段话. Finn: What are they talking about? Insert Frankly my dear I don'

t give a damn. Show me the money. Run, Forrest, run. You talking to me, is that from Taxi Driver? I'

ll be back. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'

re going to get. Beam me up, Scotty. Feifei: 不知道大家有没有听出来?上面的这段话其实都是非常有名的电影对白. Finn: Yes, and why are we quoting films in today'

s programme? Because we received a question about famous film lines from our listener Guo Jian. Listen to his story. Feifei: 听友郭建给我们讲了一个故事,并且用了几个很好的词语,比方说 rang a bell 听起来 很熟悉;

还有单词 Martini 马爹利. Insert Once I was having dinner with a bunch of Brits. When Martini was served, one guy spoke a few words that rang a bell around the table, something like: shaken but not stirred . A girl next to me kindly explained to me that was from James Bond the royal agent, who always said that when asking for a drink. My question is this: are there any other phrases or text that have gained such popularity as '

shaken but not stirred'

throughout English film lines? Thank you very much. Page

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5 Feifei: 郭建说他和几位英国朋友一起吃饭的时候,学到了 shaken, but not stirred 这个短 语,意思就是要摇晃出来的,而不是搅出来的.这个非常有名的短语来自

007 邦德片, 邦德喜欢他的马爹列酒是 shaken but not stirred. Do you know this line, Finn? Finn: Yes, I do! I think most people would know it actually, though the original line had no '


in it, it should be '

shaken, not stirred'

. I think this line appears in almost every Bond movie. Feifei: And isn'

t there another from the Bond films? Something about his name? Finn: You'

re right. Shall I do an impression? Feifei: 你想试试给我们表演一下? Go on then. Finn: OK. The name'

s Bond, James Bond. Feifei: I'

m impressed, Mr Bond. Finn: That'

s enough from Mr Bond, I think. In today'

s programme we'

re looking at some popular lines from films which are now used in everyday conversation. Feifei: 每天日常对话. Everyday 在这里是一个词,被用为形容词.我们经常会看到 every 和day 这两个词分开使用. So which lines are used in everyday conversation, Finn? Finn: Well, as luck would have it, there was a survey done on this very topic in 2007. The website myfilms.com asked people for their favourite memorable film lines, and we'

re going to tell you their top five. Feifei: 下面是五个经典电影对白.我们在街上随机采访了一些朋友,使我们惊讶的事儿是,我 们只要需要说出电影名字,被采访的这些朋友们就会马上说出自这部电影的名句. Ready? Finn: Here we go, in reverse order: number five. Insert Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'
