编辑: 哎呦为公主坟 2019-07-09

2016 for the E-Learning for Special Education and Intelligent Robots for SEN Children Learning projects led by TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong School and TWGHs Kwan Fong Kai Chi School respectively to jointly develop the programmes with other special schools in the next three years. A ceremony announcing the award was held on

8 September

2016 with the Hon. TSANG Chun Wah, John, GBM, JP, Financial Secretary, Mr. Peter WONG, Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive of HSBC, Ms. Helen WONG, Chief Executive, and representatives of the Hong Kong Bank Foundation, officiating. Dr. LEE Yuk Lun, JP, Vice-Chairman cum Supervisor of TWGHs Kwan Fong Kai Chi School, attended the event. GAPSK京港学术交流座谈会 GAPSK普通话水平考试参访团为了加强与东华三院的联系及双方关系,於10月28日特地前来了解东华三院的 历史及理念,并由苏v安执行总监及吴奇埙学务总主任负责接待.参访团一行参观了东华三院李兆忠纪念大楼 礼堂,并与学务主任、校长及老师进行学术交流,分享中港两地的教育心得,讨论学校推行普通话教学及普通 话教中文的策略,增加了双方的了解. Meeting of TWGHs and Beijing Delegation of GAPSK A delegation from the General Aptitude Putonghua Shuiping Kaoshi (GAPSK) visited TWGHs on

28 October

2016 and was warmly received by Mr. Albert Y.O. SU, Chief Executive, and Mr. Kenneth WU Kee Huen, Education Services Secretary. With the purpose of improving communications and enhancing the relationship between TWGHs and GAPSK, both parties shared strategies on promoting the teaching of Putonghua, as well as adopting Putonghua to teach Chinese during the discussion. After the meeting, both sides expressed their wish to find more opportunities to co-operate in the future. 香港大学顾问团於2015年推算,随着本港老年人口不断上升,本港至2019年将有七万七千名七十岁 或以上,居於社区的确诊认知障碍症患者.东华三院社会服务科东区及中西区区域办事处因应认知障 碍症的常见症状,包括认路困难、迷路走失、善忘等,开发了一款名为 「脑友导航」 的手机应用程式, 期望透过当中的支援功能,帮助护老者更适切地照顾家中长者. 「脑友导航」 手机程式发布会於11月15日举行,大会邀得高锟慈善基金董事局主席高黄美芸女士及社会 福利署东区及湾仔区助理福利专员薛咏莲女士主持启动礼.「脑友导航」 是本院首个针对认知障碍症而设 计的应用程式,程式集多项功能於一身,包括定位追踪、服药提示、寻人等.当中的 「认识.我」 功能, 可储存长者的资料,例如喜爱的称号、食物、嗜好等,方便照顾者更加了解长者的需要,加强沟通. 为进一步提升业界同工回应患者行为转变的能力,以及支援照顾者的专业知识和技巧,大会当日邀 请了香港精神科医学院发言人赵少宁医生提供专题培训,共有一百六十位嘉宾及业界同工出席. TWGHs Introduced CHEERS Mobile App One of TWGHs'

goals has been to provide better support for elders with dementia and their caregivers. In line with this, the Community Service Division Eastern/Central and Western District Office introduced the mobile app CHEERS on

15 November 2016. Mrs. KAO May Wan, Gwen, Chairman of the Charles K Kao Foundation for Alzheimer'

s Disease, and Ms. SIT Wing Lin, Assistant District Social Welfare Officer (Eastern/ Wan Chai) of the Social Welfare Department, were invited to officiate at the Launching Ceremony. CHEERS is the first mobile application developed by TWGHs to help ease the lives of people with dementia and their care givers. Some of the app'
