编辑: 哎呦为公主坟 2019-07-09

2016 东华三院代表与GAPSK北京参访团进行学术交流 ,分享两地普通话教学的心得.

TWGHs representatives and the Beijing delegation of GAPSK exchanged views on Putonghua education. 高锟慈善基金董事局主席高黄美芸女士 (右二) 、社会福利署东区及湾仔区助理福 利专员薛咏莲女士 (左一) 与香港精神科医 学院发言人赵少宁医生 (右一) 主持启动仪 式. Mrs. KAO May Wan, Gwen (right 2), Chairman of the Charles K Kao Foundation for Alzheimer'

s Disease, Ms. SIT Wing Lin (left 1), Assistant District Social Welfare Officer (Eastern/Wan Chai) of the Social Welfare Department, and Dr. CHIU Siu Ning (right 1), spokesperson of The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists, officiated at the Launching Ceremony. 「脑友导航」 手机应用程式发布会 交流团於东京国际福祉机器展览会合照 A group photo of the Delegation at the International Home Care and Rehabilitation Exhibition 社服总主任姚子梁先生与Cyberdyne所研发的 机构人沟通,亲身体验复康治疗. Mr. YIU Tze Leung, Ivan, Community Service Secretary, communicated with the Robot designed by Cyberdyne Studio for use in rehabilitation. 以智能机械人辅助学习,有助激发有特殊学 习需要学童的学习兴趣 , 并提升其沟通能力. With the aid of intelligent robot, SEN (special educational needs) students'

motivation for learning and their communication abilities can be enhanced. 李鋈麟副主席 (左三) 、 文颖怡副主席(右四) 及 苏v安执行总监 (右三) 与一众主礼嘉宾合照 A group photo of Dr. LEE Yuk Lun, JP (left 3) and Ms. Ginny MAN (right 4), Vice-Chairmen, and Mr. Albert Y.O. SU (right 3), Chief Executive, and officiating guests in the Ceremony. 国际福祉机器展览会 研习交流团2016 由十七位东华三院社会服务科管理人员组成的东京学习交流团於10月10至15日前赴日本东京,参观全亚洲最大型的国际福祉机器展览会,认识全球最 先进的复康设施,并考察当地在长者及残疾人士医疗、照顾及复康训练的服 务,及了解相关的先进设施和产品.代表团除参观当地针对人口老龄化问题 而设计的柏叶智能城市外,更拜访日本机械人主要发展商Cyberdyne. Study Visit to International Home Care and Rehabilitation Exhibition

2016 A delegation consisting of

17 service management staff from the Community Services Division went on a study tour to Tokyo, Japan from

10 to

15 October

2016 to attend Asia'

s leading International Home Care and Rehabilitation Exhibition which showcased the newest designs for rehabilitation equipment from all over the world to familiarise themselves with the latest and advanced technological facilities, designs, medical and rehabilitation equipment or products for the elderly and people with disabilities. The Delegation visited the Kashiwa-no-ha Smart City, an intelligent city designed to address the needs of an ageing population and Cyberdyne Studio, a major developer of advanced robotic technologies. 东华三院两所特殊学校获 「蠓150周年慈善计划」 拨款支持 东华三院徐展堂学校及东华三院群芳启智学校於9月获 「蠓150周年慈善计划」 批出资助,让两校联同其他 特殊学校分别进行为期三年的 「特殊教育电子教学」 和 「特殊学习需要学童智能机械人教育方案」 计划. 大会於9月8日举行发布会,主礼嘉宾包括财政司司长曾俊华大紫荆煜痛笃缴鹗俊⑾愀凵虾蠓嵋杏邢薰 司副主席兼行政总裁王冬胜先生及蠓嵋写壬苹鸹岽砘票叹晷姓懿.东华三院群芳启智学校校监兼 副主席李鋈麟博士太平绅士亦代表本院出席发布会. Two TWGHs Special Schools Received Funding from the HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity Programme HSBC 150th Anniversary Charity Programme has allocated funding in September
