编辑: 迷音桑 2019-07-06

14067/j.cnki.1003-8981.2017.01.023 http: //qks.csuft.edu.cn 收稿日期:2016-01-09 基金项目:中国博士后科学基金

57 批面上项目(2015M571120);

国家林业局造林绿化管理司项目 华东地区油茶钻蛀性害虫种类调查及综 合防治技术研究 ;


2014 年自然科学研究项目(14805). 作者简介:谷平,讲师,硕士. 通讯作者:黄敦元,副教授,博士.E-mail:huangdunyuan@126.com 引文格式:谷平,黄敦元 , 宋墩福 , 等.不同生境下油茶蛀茎虫的危害程度及寄生率的比较 [J]. 经济林研究 , 2017, 35(1):

124 - 128. 油茶蛀茎虫 Casmara patrona Meyrick 属鳞翅 目Lepidoptera 织叶蛾科Oecophoridae 钻蛀性害虫,别名为茶枝蛀蛾、茶蛀梗虫、茶织叶蛾等. 该虫主要分布在我国的江西、安徽、浙江、福建、 湖南、广东、四川、湖北等地.其主要寄主植物 是油茶 [1-2] 和茶叶 [3-4] .其对寄主植物的危害主要 是在其漫长的幼虫期,幼虫从上向下蛀食枝干, 导致枝干中空、枝梢萎凋,日久干枯,大枝也常 整枝枯死或折断,进而严重影响油茶等寄主植物 的长势.油茶蛀茎虫在江西、浙江、福建、广东 不同生境下油茶蛀茎虫的危害程度及寄生率的比较 谷平1,黄敦元

1 , 宋墩福

1 , 李国栋

2 , 何波1,彭飞1(1. 江西环境工程职业学院,江西 赣州 341000;

2. 江西省林业有害生物防治检疫局,江西 南昌 330038) 摘要:油茶蛀茎虫属鳞翅目织叶蛾科钻蛀性害虫,该虫主要以幼虫危害油茶枝干的韧皮部和木质部,使树势下 降,甚至枯萎死亡.为给该虫的防治和相关研究提供本底资料,对15 个样地油茶蛀茎虫的危害程度及寄生情况 进行了调查分析.结果表明:在不同生境下,油茶林油茶蛀茎虫的危害程度间的差异显著;

江西省新余市渝水 区水北镇样地的危害率最高,为36.0%;

江西省宜春市巫家镇样地的危害率最低,只有 9.0%.油茶蛀茎虫的寄 生蜂主要有长体茧蜂、线长体茧蜂、油茶织蛾距茧蜂和大螟钝唇姬蜂.不同样地的寄生率间差异显著;

江西省 吉安市峡江县戈坪乡样地的寄生率最高,为31.0%;

江西省丰城市董家镇样地的寄生率最低,只有 8.5%. 关键词:油茶;


寄生率 中图分类号:S608;

S794.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1003―8981(2017)01―0124―05 Comparison of damage degrees and parasitic rates of Casmara patrona in different habitats GU Ping1 , HUANG Dunyuan1 , SONG Dunfu1 , LI Guodong2 , HE Bo1 , PENG Fei1 (1. Jiangxi Environmental Engineering Vocational College, Ganzhou 341000, Jiangxi 341000, China;

2. Jiangxi Forestry Harmful Organism Control and Quarantine Bureau, Nanchang 330038, Jiangxi, China) Abstract: Casmara patrona Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) is one of the boring insects, whose larva mainly damages phloem and xylem in branches and trunks of Camellia?oleifera. It would result in tree vigor declining and even death. In order to provide some information for prevention and control of the pest, damage levels and parasitic status of C. patrona at

15 plots were investigated and analyzed. The results showed that damage levels of C. patrona in different habitats had significant differences. Damage rate was the highest (36.0%) in the sample plot of Shuibei Town of Xinyu City, and damage rate was the lowest (9.0%) in the sample plot of Wujia Town of Yichun City. The parasitic wasps of C. patrona mainly included Macrocentrus sp., M. linearis Nees, Calcaribracon camaraphilus sp. nov. Quicke and You, and Eriborus terbrans Gravenhost. Parasitic rates at different sample plots had significant differences. Parasitic rate was the highest (31.0%) in the sample plot of Geping Town of Xiajiang County, and parasitic rate was the lowest (8.5%) in the sample plot of Dongjia Town of Fengcheng City. Keywords: Camellia?oleifera;
