编辑: 星野哀 2019-07-04
摘要: 按照国家科技计划管理改革的整体部署, 国家重点研发计划启动了 农业面源和重金属污染农田综合防治与修复技术研 发 重点专项.

按照 基础研究、 共性关键技术研发、 技术集成创新研究与示范 全链条设计、 一体化实施, 专项聚焦产业发展问题, 为 实现农业面源和重金属污染农田有效防治、 农业生态环境健康和农产品质量安全有效提升的多重目标提供科技支撑. 通过介绍农 业面源专项的整体情况, 分析目前专项组织实施的最新进展, 总结专项管理机制方面的实践探索, 以期为有关科研人员和行业部门 提供参考. 关键词: 国家重点研发计划;



管理机制 中图分类号: X592 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1672-2043 (2017) 07-1242-05 doi:10.11654/jaes.2017-0337 Progress of the program for research and development on comprehensive prevention and remediation techniques for agricultural non-point source and heavy metal polluted croplands XU Chang-chun, XIONG Wei, ZHENG Ge* , LIN You-hua (Science and Technology Development Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100122, China) Abstract: A program for research and development on comprehensive prevention and remediation techniques for agricultural non -point source and heavy metal polluted croplands was initiated in the context of national research project reform. This industry-oriented program includes research missions of three categories i.e. fundamental research, common key techniques, and technique integration and demonstra原tion. It aims to provide science and technology support for multiple objectives such as the prevention and control of agricultural non-point source and heavy metal pollution, improving agricultural ecosystem health, and enhancing food security. This paper gives an overview of the program, analyzes the latest progress on program implementation and summarizes the program management mechanism, so as to provide ref原erence for related researchers and government departments. Keywords: national key research and development program;

agricultural non -point source and heavy metal pollution;

implementation progress;

management mechanism 收稿日期: 圆园17-03-10 作者简介: 徐长春 (1989―) , 男, 安徽宿州人, 硕士, 从事科技管理与可持续农业研究.E-mail: xuchangchun@agri.gov.cn * 通信作者: 郑戈E-mail: zhengge@agri.gov.cn 圆园17,

36 (7) :1242-1246

2017 年7月农业环境科学学报允燥怎则灶葬造 燥枣 粤早则燥鄄耘灶增蚤则燥灶皂藻灶贼 杂糟蚤藻灶糟藻 徐长春, 熊炜, 郑戈, 等. 农业面源和重金属污染农田综合防治与修复技术研发 专项组织实施进展分析[J]. 农业环境科学学报, 2017,

36 (7) : 1242-1246. XU Chang-chun, XIONG Wei, ZHENG Ge, et al. Progress of the program for research and development on comprehensive prevention and remediation tech原niques for agricultural non-point source and heavy metal polluted croplands[J]. 允燥怎则灶葬造 燥枣 粤早则燥-耘灶增蚤则燥灶皂藻灶贼 杂糟蚤藻灶糟藻, 2017,

36 (7) : 1242-1246. 农业面源和重金属污染农田综合防治与 修复技术研发 专项组织实施进展分析 徐长春, 熊炜, 郑戈*,林友华 (农业部科技发展中心, 北京 100122) 近年来, 随着农业化学品过量投入, 畜禽粪便、 农 作物秸秆和农田残膜等农业废弃物不合理处置, 以及 农业生产集约化程度的不断提升, 农业面源和重金属 污染日益突出, 严重威胁农产品质量安全、 生态系统 健康和社会经济可持续发展, 受到了政府部门、 科研 人员和群众的高度重视和广泛关注[1-3] .
