编辑: 枪械砖家 2019-07-03

s nest with seafood 富贵盐香鸡(半只) Rock salted crispy skin chicken(half bird) 三元及第(红袍玉带、花菇鲍鱼、金腿时蔬) T'

ang Court triple crown (Steamed scallops filled with crab roe, braised abalone with mushrooms, stewed green vegetables with ham) 秘制酱烤牛肋骨T'

ang Court'

s secret marinated roasted beef ribs 1,180

388 128

208 398 人民币 RMB 每位(per person) 每位(per person) 每位(per person) 日本吉品鲍扣花胶(25头) Whole braised Yoshihama abalone with fish maw(25 heads) 每位(per person) 生腐皮星斑球Stewed minced spotted grouper in bean curd 黑椒蒜片和牛粒Fried diced Wagyu beef with garlic and black pepper 豉油香煎斑球四季豆Pan-fried grouper with string beans in soya sauce 海味杂菜粉丝煲Mixed vermicelli, vegetables and seafood in soup 巧手咖啡黑豚肉Japanese Kurobuta pork with coffee sauce 虾籽香煎花菇酿Pan-fried mushroom with shrimp roe 烧汁蒜子h鳕鱼Baked cod fish with garlic in soya sauce X.O. 酱鲜蟹肉炒素翅Stir-fried vegetarian shark'

s fin with crab meat in supreme chili sauce 有机爽菜南瓜盅Mixed organic vegetables in pumpkin cup 珊瑚琵琶脆豆腐Braised loquat bean curd with minced crab meat and roe

158 288

188 118

138 88

168 118

58 88 为阁下健康着想 如阁下对任何食物有过敏反应 请跟餐厅职员联络 Please inform your server of any food related allergies as your well-being and comfort are our greatest concern. 所有价格均为人民币 另收取15%服务费 All prices are quoted in RMB and subject to 15% service charge 人民币 RMB 老上海熏鱼Shanghainese seasoned deep-fried fish in sweet soy sauce 招牌黑叉烧Shanghainese barbecued pork in soya sauce 雪菜水晶黄鱼冻Chilled yellow croaker jelly with preserved vegetables 桂花糯米糖藕Sweetened lotus root filled with glutinous rice and osmanthus 翡翠三丝卷Shredded duck with mushrooms and radish rolls 松露汁鲜鲍有机蔬菜沙律Marinated fresh abalone and organic vegetable salad in black truffle sauce 清酒甜豆拌鹅肝Goose liver and sweet bean in sake 花雕熟醉膏蟹Roe crab in rice wine sauce 腌三文鱼豆腐卷Marinated salmon and bean curd rolls 香葱鲜露拌海参Marinated sea cucumber with onions and homemade sauce 椒........
