编辑: 枪械砖家 2019-07-03
唐阁唐朝是中国历史上光辉的一页 以此命名的唐阁亦因其美誉 而成为传奇 获奖无数的厨师擅长炮制佳肴美馔 至于他们撰写的唐阁菜谱 亦因当中多道巧手名菜 而驰名中外 阁下可以从这个精心配搭的菜谱中 挑选出珍馐百味及多款得奖菜色 如有任何疑问 欢迎向我们专业的服务员查询 他们将乐于为阁下效劳 喜爱的菜式太多而又举棋不定? 我们的中餐行政总厨可随时替您度身订造一个既 可品尝唐阁特色推介 又可同时享受时令菜色的食谱 一举两得 T'


ang Court restaurant has become almost as legendary as the Tang Dynasty with its reputation for offering the finest Cantonese cuisine.

Our multi-award winning chefs prepare Cantonese refined delicacies and a renowned menu featuring a range of signature dishes, for which the restaurant has become famous. On the pages of this menu you will find a vast array of exquisite dishes, many of them award-winning. Take your time to peruse the selection available and if you have any questions, our restaurant staff are here to guide you. Undecided? Why not allow the Chinese Executive Chef to tailor make an individual menu especially for you showcasing the best of T'

ang Court and fresh seasonal specialty dishes. 为阁下健康着想 如阁下对任何食物有过敏反应 请跟餐厅职员联络 Please inform your server of any food related allergies as your well-being and comfort are our greatest concern. 厨师推荐CHEF'

S RECOMMENDATIONS 每位(per person) 每位(per person) 每位(per person)

518 238

468 238

398 时价 Market price

198 198

198 198 人民币 RMB 唐阁得奖名菜T'

ang Court'

s Award Winning Dishes 露皇金银虾Sautéed prawns with golden-fried taro crisps 三葱爆龙虾(2002年美食之最大赏 龙虾组 至高荣誉金奖) Stir-fried fresh lobster with multi-flavored onions

2002 Best of the Best Culinary Award C Gold with Distinction Award 金钱鲜虾球(2001年美食之最大赏 海鲜组 至高荣誉金奖) Sautéed prawns with golden-fried pork and crab meat millefuille

2001 Best of the Best Culinary Award C Gold with Distinction Award 火焰蜂巢银鳕鱼Pan-fried cod fish fillet with preserved bean paste sauce and cod fish taro puffs 珊汁芝麻虾球Deep-fried prawns with wasabi mayonnaise aioli 唐阁一品鲍鱼Braised whole abalone with fish maw and shitake mushrooms 松露酱百合星斑球Sautéed grouper with lily bulbs in black truffle sauce 翠绿芝士龙虾件Sautéed lobster with cheese and vegetables 虾籽葱烧酿辽参Braised sea cucumber with shrimp roe and onion 上汤玉树麒麟老虎斑条Steamed grouper with vegetables, ham and bamboo shoots in supreme broth 发财银塔豆腐Braised bean curd with mushrooms, asparagus and crab meat 蜜椒汁金瓜煎酿带子Pan-fried scallops with pumpkin in bell pepper sauce 笋干宝塔肉配栗子薄饼Paper- thin sliced pork in soya sauce with dried bamboo shoots served with chestnut pancakes 珊瑚玉簪野生竹笙Braised wild bamboo pith with asparagus in mixed crab roe and meat

68 188

138 138 所有价格均为人民币 另收取15%服务费 All prices are quoted in RMB and subject to 15% service charge 厨师推荐CHEF'

S RECOMMENDATIONS 为阁下健康着想 如阁下对任何食物有过敏反应 请跟餐厅职员联络 Please inform your server of any food related allergies as your well-being and comfort are our greatest concern. 所有价格均为人民币 另收取15%服务费 All prices are quoted in RMB and subject to 15% service charge 金箔龙皇烩官燕Braised Imperial bird'
