编辑: 飞翔的荷兰人 2019-07-02

s disease, Huntington'

s disease and epilepsy), neuropsychiatric disorders (including depression, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorders, schizophrenia and addiction) and obesity. The hallmark of BDNF deficiency is synaptic degeneration, and increased levels of BDNF can promote synaptic repair in preclinical models. Moreover, BDNF could potentially be used to treat diseases in which alterations in its levels are not directly involved in the pathogenesis (for instance, in Parkinson'

s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, stroke and spinal cord injury). BDNF is a highly charged protein that does not readily cross the bloodCbrain barrier (BBB), so effective CNS delivery is a challenge. Strategies under consideration include: protein infusion intranasally or directly to the CNS;

gene delivery to the CNS;

fusion of BDNF to proteins or nanoparticles that can cross the BBB (Trojan horse delivery);

small TRKB agonist molecules (peptide mimetics), including TRKB transactivators, enhancers of endogenous BDNF synthesis or secretion and p75NTR inhibitors compounds;

and physical exercise, which increases BDNF levels. BDNF function in health and disease Agustin Anastasia and Barbara L. Hempstead Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is the most widely expressed and well-characterized member of the neurotrophin family in the mammalian brain. It is translated as a precursor protein (proBDNF), which consists of an N-terminal prodomain and a C-terminal mature domain. Mature BDNF consists of dimers of the mature domain, and its effects are tightly regulated. BDNF can exert its functions in a highly localized manner and also at a distance by anterograde or retrograde transport. Modest changes in BDNF levels affect the development and regulation of neural circuits and brain function. This Poster provides an overview of the actions of BDNF and its roles in normal brain function and in disease, and highlights the influence of this fascinating protein on human behaviour. EVER Neuro Pharma is an Austrian pharmaceutical company focused on the field of neuroscience and clinical emergency. Based on our experience and proprietary R&

D technology platform we develop innovative therapies for neurological disorders including stroke, acquired brain injuries, different forms of dementia (including Alzheimer'

s disease and vascular dementia), Parkinson'

s disease, epilepsy and hypertensive emergencies. At the core of our technologically mature and safe products is Cerebrolysin?, a neurotrophic peptide compound which mimics the actions of endogenous neurotrophic factors (NTFs) and which stimulates endogenous production of NTFs in the central nervous system. Cerebrolysin is indicated for treatment of dementia, stroke and acquired brain injuries and is considered an unique neurotrophic treatment available for clinical use in about

50 countries.The future development of therapies for neurological diseases will increasingly rely on the multimodal treatment/management approach. Recognizing this trend we keep to our endeavor for further refinement of the neurotrophic therapy concept, and for constant improvement of our patient oriented services. Among other agents our product portfolio is strengthened with Dacepton? (apomorphine hydrochloride) for the treatment of disabling motor symptoms of Parkinson?s disease and Tachyben? (urapidil hydrochloride) for patients with hypertensive emergencies. For more information EVER Neuro Pharma GmbH, Oberburgau 3,

4866 Unterach, Austria. office@everpharma.com, www.everpharma.com Abbreviations AMPAR, AMPA receptor;
