编辑: bingyan8 2019-06-06

2 2.96 3.30 3.42 3.52 3.45 Notes: (l) For reasons such as the late lodgement of declarations by importers/exporters and lengthy process in clarifying some dubious data on decJarations, a small proportion of decJarations pertaining to a shipment month may not be included in time in the trade statistics of the relevant statistical month but wi1l be included in the trade statistics of subsequent statistical months. (οω2 勾) The impoun 耐1c∞ons 剖19 伊nment 臼soft 由.ha 剖tp 户roduc 叫tdecJared by oil companies for t 血:ha 剖tmonth. It may be different from the lmpounit value ofthat product experienced by any particular individual oil company. (3) * Jrnport unit value of Euro V Diesel was incJuded in that of Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel in or before December 2008. With effect 企om January 2009, separate Hong Kong Harrnonized System codes have been provided to Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel and Euro V Diese1. Thereafter, import unit values for these two commodities have been calculated separately. (4) The average import unit value ofEuro V Diesel in the second quarter of2018 is $4.34 per li甘e. (5) Please refer to Appendix for the Hong Kong Harrnonized System codes of Low Sulphur Diesel, Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel, and Euro V Diesel (6) For enquiries, please c叩tact the Trade Classification Section of the Census and Statistics Departrnent (Telephone :

2582 5021;

Facsimi1e :

2824 2782;

E-mai1 : .!!'

ade-declaration(a)censtatd.Qov.hk)回Noimpo讨consignment. 血尽且巨型i主Euro V Diesel

27101945 27102045

27101941 27102042

27102043 27102044

3 年/月表2: 汽油、)'


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命兮兮兮小小命令,fvzfv 兮兮命.~ du .Pciu I GSUddu d d du du dusfb du duddu dsu ddb dfvd d du dFsfb 30.00 28.0日26.0日24.0日22 日. 20.00 18.00

16 日.

14 日.

12 日. 10.0日8.0日6.00 4.00

2 日. 0.00

图表3: 石油气价格走势 港元/公斤 $lKg Chart 3: Price Movement of L.P. Gas -.- 平均零售价格* Average retail price* -一进口单位价格# Import unit valuell 句句句句~呵呵呵呵呵代~呵呵呵呵『句句'

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b .'

b句句 命令命令命令命令兮兮今命命令命 efγ 命令 rfvzfvrfvrfνzfvzfv d du 心xu du ddu d du du df du du d d duIdu dib dku sfb du df dudPsfb 注释. .自1999年9月起,石油气的顺格资料来源........
