编辑: NaluLee 2019-01-15

2003 年的现在 就等同苛政 而唯?有能力可以废掉 ?按 这苛政的只有政府和房协 为何他们不正视问题给香港有?个公平公义社会环境? HK Peolpe 2003-04-18 08:36:12 怪胎 怪胎 怪胎 怪胎

4 夹屋 = 怪胎 政府+房协 = 怪胎儿的父母 因为怪胎儿的父母 己将放在枯岛? 怪胎儿的父母己无?照顾而不存在 太可惜怪胎儿独生存而求救 政府,房协,夹屋小业主坐?来解决自己的问题吧 不要令香港烦?加烦 HK People 笑客 2003-04-18 08:45:21 好评 好评 好评 好评 不平? 好文彩 再接再厉 写出彩虹缯出?间不平事 为你喝彩 笑客 2003-04-18 09:04:03 You are right Ordinary Man You are right But don'

t let HK Don'

t give up your right H.K. is a lovely place We hope the Government of HK to better day after day The hople in our hart never give up 不平客 2003-04-18 09:11:00 笑笑笑笑、笑 、笑 、笑 、笑、笑 、笑 、笑 、笑 笑、笑、笑 傲笑问苍?, 冷笑显不平, 狂笑讥时政, 泣笑对夹屋, 笑、笑、笑、不轻笑. 赠笑客 - 不平客 ?月十八日字 cheung 2003-04-18 09:56:54 no use to have your words on the discussion zone i am living in cascades, homantin. having noted that so many of you expressing your views on this discussion platform, it is so appreciation. however, how many of you have worked it out by action??? how many of you attended AGM and meeting of OI of your estates, protest held by 夹屋大联盟??? another points you all should actually known: after voicing out in the discussion zone, where will you words go? all of you know that all the words provided in the zone will go straightly to the rubbish bin. dont you think you are all sizzy on doing this? cheung 2003-04-18 09:57:46 no use to have voice over this discussion zone (2) i am so proud of having a leader of 夹屋大联盟 on behalf of us. taking this chance, i have an idea: can everyone of us share the cost of legal fee to sue the government on unfair condition - good price of the premises, sold back to hkhs for resale and earn money;

bad price then your own business. i know that there are so many legal professionals amongst us, would some of you spare a little time to check against it before legal proceeding. another point is about the second mortgage with prime rate. the line taking by us, i thought, is correct - postpone for

3 years or

5 adopting prevailing pricing of mortgage. hkhs should be acted as an cooridinator between hkmc and sc bank. the third point is to cascades people - should you all know that we have our own website please log in and say. i have informed the website administrator to promote this website to all of us including the management office. the web site is www.cascades.com.hk thank you Ordinary Man 2003-04-18 11:02:09 致不平?: Thank you for your comment. I really tried of this GAME - A Game of unfair among HKSAR Govt and HK Housing Society. You know, they are GIANT. We are only tiny little bugs who are living under the dark side. We should be lost everything! Please excuse my unoptimistic point of view! Honestly, I plan to go back to ........
