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2007 届优秀毕业设计(论文)文摘选编

33 河南省焦作市山阳区某建筑公寓空调系统设计 安全工程

03 级1班罗天敏 指导教师:袁东升 摘要:本设计根据所提供的土建资料,以及查阅设计手册等所得的气象参数资料,分 别从参数设计条件,空调区域的冷负荷、热负荷、空调系统的选择、夏季送风量、送风状态 点、新风凉的确定、气流组织形式、空调末端、主机的选择、风管水力计算及空调系统的运 行调节等各方面阐述了河南省焦作市山阳区某建筑公寓空调系统设计.

河南省焦作市山阳区某建筑公寓空调系统设计的总共为四层, 第一层主要是门厅、 厕所、 洗漱间、洗衣房、活动室以及宿舍,第


三、四层与第一层几乎一样,为厕所、宿舍及活 动室.空调系统采用空气―水加独立新风系统,末端采用风机盘管、吊挂式空调箱.而制冷 主机则选用风冷水冷式模块机组 LSQRF80M/B.气流组织形式采用上供上回的形式,风口 采用方型散流器和双层百叶风口. 空调水系统的立管采用的同程式, 用于保证各层之间的水力平衡, 而每层水平管道是异 程式, 但都进行了水力平衡以保证每个空调末端都有足够的冷冻水量, 以保证每个房间都有 足够的冷量. 关键词:空调系统;




水力计算 Abstract: To design the central air condition system of certain build rooming house in Shanyang bough Jiaozuo city of Henan, we have consider some different conditions such as parameters condition, cold carry of air condition distract, selecting of air condition system, send volume in summer, sending state point, fresh air volume, air current form, selecting bottom mainframe of air condition system, water power accounting of tube and water system, the running of air condition system and so on, which according to offering with weather date that check set up the date with the soil, distinguish to design the term from the design parameter. There are four floor need to central air condition system designing in living, the first floor are hall, WC, washhouse, activity-room and dorm, the second floor, the third floor, the fourth floor get along with the first floor, men WC, dorm and activity-room. We design an air-water and fresh air system, using fan coil and handing slyly box as the end. And the equipment choice the MDV[A] series modular Air-cooled water chiller of SQRF80M/B. The tube of air condition water system adopt the same distance form to ensure the equilibrium of all layers, however, each layer adopt the different distance form, and all have use water power equilibrium to ensure enough chilling water volume to each air condition system and cold volume 河南理工大学

2007 届优秀毕业设计(论文)文摘选编

34 of each room. Key word: air condition system, current of air organizes cold load, heat load, the water power computes and circulate to regulate

一、概述 本设计是针对河南省焦作市山阳小区某一民用建筑公寓大楼正在设计、 安装、 调试的民 用空调系统进行设计, 并且也参加了为期一个月的毕业实习. 掌握了一些民用空调设计的基 本常识和设计方法, 并在获得了部分数据和资料的基础上, 对整栋楼进行的民用空调系统设 计. 本设计的内容主要包括:空调系统设计的气象条件、空调系统的冷(热、湿)负荷计算、 气流组织与风量计算、空气的处理、风机和风管的选择与布置、噪声控制与空调建筑的防火 排烟等内容.其中主要介绍空调系统的冷(热、湿)负荷计算方法、空气处理的过程、设备 的选型和系统的特点以及整个空调系统的具体布置等. 1.1 地理位置 此建筑公寓位于河南省焦作市,东经 113°22′,北纬 35°25′,本建筑占地上总建筑面积 为431.028 m2 ,总用地面积为 543.25 m2 ,总高度为 12m,建筑体形系数为 0.15.窗墙比为 0.3,抗震设防烈度为
